Well, the progression of this reread was too good to be true. After the high of the fourth book that had me in tears for being so perfect, this one left me rather disappointed. It might be my least favourite of the series (though I haven’t reread the sixth yet and never read the seventh, so I might be wrong) …
Horse Novels
01AprReview: Wechselnde Pfade (Pferdeheimat im Hochland, #4)
Ready for the next instalment in our favourite horsey Highland soap opera? Strap in, because this one has a lot going on – and going for it! I pretty much had tears in my eyes throughout. Not because it’s particularly sad, but because it’s particularly perfect! So let’s dive in, revisiting our established plotlines: the relationship between Laurie and Danny and the family feud – with the usual dash of social criticism …
25MarReview: The Connemara Whirlwind (Cuaifeach, #1)
This has been on my tbr since 2008, which is a little weird considering that’s the year I fell in love with all things Irish. It took me a very long time to finally get to it. And what I found is a weird book I’m pretty sure I would’ve utterly disliked if I had read it as a child or in my early teens. And here is why …
11MarReview: Fionas Fohlen (Pferdeheimat im Hochland, #3)
Welcome back to episode three of our favourite horsey highland soap opera! That may sound awfully cynical, but I really do love this series! We once again continue where we left of and focus on three major plotlines: the very soapy romance/family feud, the grumpy groom revelations, and the never-ending cruelty of mankind …
18FebReview: Danny Boy (Pferdeheimat im Hochland, #2)
After finishing the first one, I immediately went on to book two. I had forgotten most about this series and was pleasently surprised how much I enjoy it! This second book is no exception here … however, the story gets a little darker …
28JanReview: Schottischer Sommer (Pferdeheimat im Hochland, #1)
Fantastic premise, gorgeous setting, marvellous atmosphere, interesting characters – and no plot. Here’s why I nevertheless thoroughly enjoyed this reread (hints: Scotland! Run-down mansion! Horses! Politics being adressed!) …
23JulReview: Gefährliche Suche
Jenny Hughes is one of the PonyClub regulars. I really adore her older books but I’m not really into her newer novels, although there has been an exception. This one, unfortunately, was the weakest of her books I read so far …