Yes, I can’t believe it either! It took me almost two freaking years to get my blog back online after the regulation that must not be named dropped. Anyways, maybe you’re wondering what live has been like since May 2018 – since I’m not particularly active on social media either. Well, …
Diary of a Readingrat

20SepThe Bookshop of My Choice feat. Die Spur der Bücher by Kai Meyer
Triggered by Kai Meyer’s Die Spur der Bücher, here’s a walk down memory lane: Remembering Libretto, the tiny bookshop of my childhood and teenage years, a handful of book orders and bookish incidents featuring Libretto’s very helpful bookseller Johannes, and a bookshop visit bringing back the good old times …

10Jan2016 – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
2016 – what a year! And not just on a global level, but on a personal as well. And you know what: I called it.
I celebrated New Year’s Eve with a couple of friends and movies, pizza, Singstar, fireworks, and a very long and very fun walk after midnight. It was reminiscent of the New Year’s celebrations I had in my teens. In every way, actually, which means there was some major drama – a simple misunderstanding that grew into a nasty beast. For some reason, I became the intermediary, which cost my mental and thus physical health dearly, meaning I was a total wreck. Somehow, we managed to kill the beast. Unfortunately, I can be quite superstitious, so on my train home a thought crept into my mind: What if those couple of days were a foreboding of what was to come in 2016? What if the year continued that way? Well …

09Sep173,400 Words
Hi there! Do you remember me? Yeah, it’s been a while. Seven months, to be precise. I’m sorry for suddenly disappearing without a trace. I had planned to give you a notice of absence but I deferred until it was pretty pointless to publish it. If you follow me on social media, you might know what’s been going on in my life over the last couple of months. If not, or if you lost track, since I haven’t been that active there either, here’s a summary …

08DecA Dream Come True
There. Just look at that! I’m actually crying a little, staring at my screen in awe. This is a dream come true and it is glorious. Actually, it is much more than I‘d ever hoped for. It is just like I wanted it to be. And it only took three years to realise it …

10NovConflicting Desires or Why I Don’t Blog Although I Want To
Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been torn between reading and blogging – and ended up spending a lot of time watching Netflix instead of doing either because I just couldn’t decide which one to pick …

19AugHow I Discover New Music #1: Other Lives
Until that fateful day, 18 October 2014, I had never heard of Other Lives, an indie rock band from Oklahoma. That day, I opened Youtube and there it was in my subscription feed: Outlander|| Take Us Alive by Shainira. I had been pondering either starting to watch the show or to read the first book, which was already on my shelf. When it comes to series, I don’t really care about spoilers – if I choose to be spoiled and go actively looking for them, mind you! I often check out a couple of fan videos to get a feeling for a series when I’m not sure about commiting myself, so this one was no exception. What I didn’t anticipate was falling so so so hard for the song …