Jenny Hughes is one of the PonyClub regulars. I really adore her older books but I’m not really into her newer novels, although there has been an exception. This one, unfortunately, was the weakest of her books I read so far …
Jenny Hughes

13MayEnd of Year Survey 2017
Late as always (but earlier than last year, ha! I’m getting better at this!): Looking back on the books I read in 2017 – the good, the bad, and the ugly (crying)!

10SepWrap-Up August 2017
Um, apparently, I haven’t posted a Wrap-Up post since October 2015. That was ages ago. I can’t believe how much has happened since then. Anyway, the gist: two years later, I’m still awful at blogging regularly. When only considering the amont of pages read, September was an awful reading month. However, this is kind of misleading …

27AugReview: The Dark Horse
I was introduced to Jenny Hughes via the PonyClub, a horse themed subscription box service/publisher. However, we’ve got a rather mixed track record – the fourteen books I’d previously read ranging from one to five star reads. The ones I liked were pretty great, though, so I started buying the books that hadn’t been published in German. This is one of them, and I’m so very glad I did!

10AugSuBsalabim August 2017
The August SuBsalabim TBR is a little boring background storywise with four books purchased rather recently. Alas, with four firsts, this might get me into some series – or will make me abandon them. Who knows at this point …