Do I reread books?! Hell yeah! I’m the Queen of Rereads! Last year’s reread ratio was one third, this year’s ratio is slightly higher so far. However, much has changed these last couple of months. The number of rereads has plummeted; I haven’t reread a novel in two freaking months! I really need to get back on track, but right now, I don’t see it happen (and to be honest, it’s not that bad. I have more than enough books on my TBR pile anyway). That said: here are the ten books I desperately want to reread as soon as possible …

25OctCurrently Reading #2: Mistborn
Nope, I haven’t finished Outlander yet. I’m far from it. So why am I here with yet another currently reading post? Well, because it’s time for #25hSanderson! Crini and Elena are hosting their first event in the A Year of Reading Brandon Sanderson challenge, which is a 25h read-a-thon starting in half an hour! You don’t need to participate in the challenge to join in the fun. Just grab the closest Sanderson book, head over to Crini or Elena to sign up and get going! There will be a couple of optional tasks and questions, so stay tuned. I will post my updates down below. Oh, and of course there’s a twitter hashtag: #25hSanderson …

22OctCurrently Reading #1: Outlander
I got my German copy of Outlander at a large secondhand book sale in March. Back then, I had only heard of the series once or twice but didn’t even know what it’s all about. First and foremost, I bought it because it was cheap and I remembered some bloggers talking about it. That was quite enough to recommend it to me. Soon afterwards, I found out that there would be a TV series and became mildly excited. Still, the book ended up on my TBR pile …

18OctSigns of Life #1: Freedom and Prospects
And here we go again! Yes, I’m still alive. In fact, Ellie is freeeee! Yesterday was the last day of my publishing internship. Don’t get me wrong, I loved it and cried bitter tears to leave all those great people behind. However, the last couple of months were kind of exhausting, especially with the Frankfurt Bookfair and everything that comes with it. In my case, a really bad cold. But maybe I’ll write a recap or something in a couple of days because it was totally awesome! …

31AugConfessions of an Addict: My TBR Pile
As you all know very well, my TBR pile’s huge. Okay, no, that’s an understatement. It’s 840 books ginormeous. Yeah, that’s right: eight hundred and forty freaking books of the about I-don’t-quite-know-whether-that’s-actually-correct 1,730 books I own are unread. That’s almost half of them …

20AugReview: East
Have you ever heard of the Norwegian folk tale “East of the Sun and West of the Moon”? No? Well, me neither – until I read this wonderful retelling which is truly a fairytale in itself. But how could something based on a story with one of the most beautiful titles I ever heard be anything else but magical? To describe East in as little words as possible, I’d say it’s Beauty and the Beast plus trolls – and wind roses and mapmakers, superstition and prophecy, weaving, sewing and magical dresses, a castle inside a mountain, a light that should not have been lit, and a long and rocky journey to a palace in an icy barren land east of the sun and west of the moon . . .

04AugMonday Question: Getting Books as a Present?
Most of my blogger friends complain about their bookish wishes being ignored and often, I hear that someone doesn’t get books as a present anymore because he or she would already have enough – as if that’s even possible! …