Good morning! Wait, what? Yes, I just woke up about 30 minutes ago. After hours and hours of not doing anything really, I decided to pick up The Casual Vacancy again shortly after midnight – and read the remaining 130 pages in order to finish it. When I was finally done, it was past 3 am, I was tired but incredibly happy to have finished the novel that was the one I was most afraid of. It’s been on my currently reading shelf for so long and I never was in the mood for it …
J.K. Rowling

17Apr[7 Days 7 Books]: Updates Day #4
Sorry about yesterday. It’s just that I didn’t read a single page. Instead, I continued cleaning up my room, which consisted mostly of sorting heaps of paper into their respective folders. The room’s getting a tiny bit better, meaning I can see parts of the floor again. I want to be done with everything before I move to Würzburg for my internship. Afterwards, I was pretty much staring into space because I had no motivation whatsoever. Then, I decided to go on cataloguing my books & adding the data to goodreads so I scanned and edited a couple of covers and synchronised the data …

14Apr[7 Days 7 Books]: Intro + Updates Day #1
I decided to participate in this easter special of 7 Days 7 Books, which in a nutshell challenges you to read as many books as you choose (but seven would be nice) in seven days. As a special easter treat, we get an extra day, so it’s actually eight days and you only have to read four novels to take part in the raffle – at least, if you have pledged to do so in advance. Although I trust myself to be able to read four novels over the course of eight days, I decided to go with the other version in which you can choose your own goals …

22MarI Got Tagged #3: My Favourite Literary Couples
Actually, I didn’t get tagged but I saw it on numerous blogs and decided to jump on the bandwagon. You’re supposed to name at least five of your favourite literary couples. I had a list with over twenty but decided to cut back because it really isn’t that easy to find great quotes in novels you haven’t read in the last couple of years. In some cases, I remembered what I wanted and where I could find it, in others I got lucky and just stumbled upon a great quote. So here are my twelve favourite literary couples in no particular order – well, except for the first one because Rhaegar and Lyanna are my absolute OTP …

15MarNewbies January 2014
Except for Die Liebe deines Lebens, which was a belated Christmas present, and the three W.i.t.c.h. paperbacks, I got all of the books for my birthday. I’m so glad that my parents want me to write wishlists and then actually get me what’s on them. After all, it’s still a surprise what I get since my lists tend to be awfully long and they just pick a couple of books …

25FebTop Ten Tuesday #16: REWIND – Theme Songs
I can’t imagine a life without music. Songs are the key to my memory. It is truly amazing what I remember when I hear a specific song, sometimes to the point that I get goosebumps or even start to cry because I’m catapulted into a specific moment of the past. Music is memories and emotions, the past, the present, an alternate reality, challenges and triumphs, happiness and sadness, friends, landscapes and journeys, love and hate, films, series, and of course, books …

05DecWrap-Up November 2013
It’s been a very long time since I read over 3000 pages. February, to be exact. This makes November a pretty awesome month for my stats but I also feel bad about it. I shouldn’t have read all those books. Instead, I should have read The Hunger Games Trilogy and a whole lot of companions for my Bachelor thesis. Now I will have to do this in December. God, I think I’m going to panic soon. The only positive thing about the whole process is that Ms Collins seems to have swallowed Goffman’s Asylums and rehashed it as The Hunger Games. She’s pretty much serving me everything I need on a silver plate. It’s going to be a pleasure to put everything together …