And Holly Black does it again: another pitch black faerie story – even more so than the first due to the choice of topics! It’s pretty much all about use and abuse – of power, of people, of drugs, you name it – with characters that find themselves in a very murky grey. So it’s not a particularly comfortable read, but definitely an interesting one …
Contemporary Fantasy

28AprReview: Tithe (Modern Faerie Tales #1)
Considering that I’ve read this at least twice before, albeit about 15 years ago, I remembered surprisingly little about the story apart from a few select scenes some of which were even a little jumbled in my mind. So in a way, this was like reading it for the first time and what can I say, I still really like it, though I’m not quite as fervently in love with it now as I was back then …

12OctReview: You’ve Reached Sam
I fell in love with this book the moment I lay eyes on it. The cover that is. As much as I wanted to love the content, it made it its mission to drive it up the wall. This is one of the most frustrating books I have ever read. It got so bad I had to put it down a couple of times to give myself a break. It certainly had potential but it left me hot and cold in all the wrong places …

04FebReview: Just Dreaming (The Silver Trilogy, #3)
Oh dear, oh dear! Maybe I should have seen it coming since I was rather meh about the last book and it took me ages (as in: four years) to finally pick this one up to finish this series. And what can I say, unfortunately, it took a turn for the worse. While I found at least some allure and entertainment in the previous books, this one I just can’t recommend at all. It’s not only bland and anticlimactic but also highly problematic and the ending is a total cop-out …

26NovReview: What Is Not Yours Is Not Yours
Wow, this was a wild ride. I feel like I only understood about 10% of what I read. Still, I enjoyed reading this collection a lot – at least in the beginning. The last couple of stories unfortunately didn’t connect with me quite as well as some of the previous. But the writing is very beautiful, incredibly intricate and complex and there’s more happening between the lines then what’s on the page …

05NovReview: The Scorpio Races
I can’t take this novel seriously. I’m sorry, I just can’t. Seeing all my friends raving about The Scorpio Races makes me laugh out loud. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not a bad novel, not at all. I enjoyed it immensely and had a lot of fun with it, some of it unintentional. Because it is, and there’s no way to sugar-coat it, a horse novel to a T. It’s so cliché, it can’t get any more cliché …

30JulReview: Dream On (The Silver Trilogy, #2)
Meh. When I first read Dream On, I had no recollection of the events of this book one week after finishing it. This time around – listening to the audio book – it was almost worse and I really have to strain to remember in order to write this review. That’s how forgettable this book is. It’s not bad per se, especially if you like that kind of irrelevant fluff that is Liv’s everyday life and oh, all the relationship drama. Unfortunately, there’s just not much dream demon stuff going on …