The number one reason why I love Frankfurt Book Fair (beside meeting my bookish friends, that is): the tons of books I carry home with me each year!
Angela Waidmann

17SepReview: Kopfüber ins Abenteuer (Zoe: Das Glück hat vier Hufe, #1)
The novel begins with a trope and a lovely spin on it: There are new horses arriving at the stable, but not just any horses! Oh no, these two are stunt horses! Protagonist Zoe is not impressed though and that’s what I love about her. She’s worried about their well-being and eyes the training very suspiciously …

12DecWrap-Up October 2015
October is one of my favourite months of the year. It’s usually the epitome of what autumn, my favourite season, is all about: sunny days, rainy days, crisp air, creeping fog, colourful leaves, the smell of earth, pumpkin soup, and lots and lots of comfy reading time …

01DecNewbies September 2015
I already mentioned in my Wrap-Up that September wasn’t a good month for me. I got rather depressed, which makes me even more prone to buying books than I usually am. Getting books in the mail just makes me so very happy – I’m pretty sure most of you can relate …

29OctWrap-Up & Newbies August 2015
At the beginning of August I thought I’d spend the whole month reading. After handing in my term paper, I was supposed to have lots and lots of free time. Hahaha. Nope. …

16AprNewbies March 2014
Err … what happened? Seriously, what the hell happened?!
So, I was really down after I failed to reach my goal of reducing my TBR pile by two books in February because I sacrificed my reading time in order to sew my sister a Little Red cape for carnival. Yeah, I’m an awesome big sister, I know. Therefore, my book-buying abstinence was all for nothing. Then I went to Munich to visit Ric and went to a big book flea market. Then I realised that I hadn’t rewarded myself for finishing my bachelor thesis. Then I ordered books. And more books. Aaaaand just a couple of more books. It’s always the same. At least, I got most of them second hand thus cheap. Enjoy! …