Newbies September 2015

01st December 2015

I already mentioned in my Wrap-Up that September wasn’t a good month for me. I got rather depressed, which makes me even more prone to buying books than I usually am. Getting books in the mail just makes me so very happy – I’m pretty sure most of you can relate.

Business as Usual

Not in the picture: Shadowmarch & Shadowplay
  1. Lair of Dreams (The Diviners, #2) by Libba Bray
    [dt. Die dunklen Schatten der Träume (The Diviners, #2)]

    I only recently read the first novel and did enjoy it very much, although it took me some time to get into it. I hope it won’t take me that long to pick this one up. I’m still a little sad (and mad) that they changed the cover design, but I really like the colours. And it could have been worse. Fortunately, they got rid of the people on the cover.

  2. So schwarz wie Ebenholz (Lumikki, #3) by Salla Simukka
    [ET: As Black as Ebony (The Snow White Trilogy, #3)]

    It’s the last instalment in the Lumikki trilogy, a contemporary Finnish retelling of Snow White. Sort of. Lumikki means Snow White and there are some allusions to the fairy tale, but mostly it’s a thriller. I really enjoyed the first novel and I’m planning on rereading and marathoning this trilogy soon.

  3. Das Blaue im Himmel by Stephanie Letschert & Julia Röhlig (Eds.)
    [LT: The Blue in the Sky]

    This one is an anthology whose theme is the colour blue.

  4. Die Winterprinzessin (Gebrüder Grimm, #1) by Kai Meyer
    [LT: The Winter Princess (Brothers Grimm, #1)]

    Another step closer to completing my Kai Meyer collection.

  5. Wrayth (Book of the Order, #3) by Philippa Ballantine
    [dt. Das zerbrochene Band (Die Runen der Macht, #3)]

    I own but haven’t read the first one in this series. When I saw this very cheap in a second hand shop, I couldn’t help myself.

  6. American Gods (American Gods, #1) by Neil Gaiman
    [dt. American Gods (American Gods, #1)]

    I still haven’t read a single novel by Neil Gaiman. Now at least I do own one.

  7. Shadowmarch (Shadowmarch, #1) by Tad Williams
    [dt. Die Grenze (Shadowmarch, #1)]
  8. Shadowplay (Shadowmarch, #2) by Tad Williams
    [dt. Das Spiel (Shadowmarch, #2)]

    I don’t know how this happened since I thoroughly checked ISBNs, but unfortunately the formats don’t match. I’m just glad they were very cheap so I can go on and buy a replacement when I’m in the mood for it. It’s just really a shame that the German covers are so much more gorgeous. However, they are also more expensive and, well, in German.

Horses – Horses Everywhere

Don’t judge me. Actually, you should be proud of me. I filled my shopping cart on three different occasions this year and always managed to refrain from clicking the check-out button. This time, I just couldn’t. My restraint was exhausted. Unfortunately, this means that my efforts to keep my TBR at bay were all in vain. At least I managed to reduce the growth rate.

The Ones that Complete Series


  1. Ein Ponysommer (Tinka, #1-2) by Sigrid Heuck
    [LT: A Pony Summer (Tinka, #1-2)]
  2. Neue Schule, neue Liebe (Lisa, #7-9) by Pia Hagmar
    [LT: New School, New Love (Lisa, #7-9)]
  3. Riskanter Einsatz (Charlie & Charly, #2) by Karin Müller
    [LT: Risky Mission (Charlie & Charly, #2)]
  4. Auf eigene Faust (Charlie & Charly, #3) by Karin Müller
    [LT: On One’s Own (Charlie & Charly, #3)]
  5. Gefährliches Spiel (Charlie & Charly, #5) by Karin Müller
    [LT: Dangerous Game (Charlie & Charly, #5)]
  6. Julia und das weiße Pony (Julia, #2) by Christiane Gohl
    [LT: Julia and the White Pony (Julia, #2)]
  7. Julia und ihr Fohlen (Julia, #7) by Christiane Gohl
    [LT: Julia and Her Foal (Julia, #7)]
  8. Aufregung im Reitverein (Julia, #8) by Christiane Gohl
    [LT: Fuss at the Riding Club (Julia, #8)]
  9. Ferienjob mit Islandpferden (Julia, #9) by Christiane Gohl
    [LT: Holiday Job with Icelandic Horses (Julia, #9)]
  10. Julia und die Nachtreiter (Julia, #15) by Christiane Gohl
    [LT: Julia and the Night Riders (Julia, #15)]
  11. Julia und das Reitturnier (Julia, #16) by Christiane Gohl
    [LT: Julia and the Horse Show (Julia, #16)]
  12. Julia am Ziel ihrer Träume (Julia, #20) by Christiane Gohl
    [LT: Julia at the Goal of Her Dreams (Julia, #20)]
  13. Das Pony Friolina (Fest im Sattel, #1) by Veronica Wägner
    [LT: The Pony Friolina (Firm in the Saddle, #1)]
  14. Wir halten zusammen (Fest im Sattel, #2) by Veronica Wägner
    [LT: We Stick Together (Firm in the Saddle, #2)]
  15. Ein gutes Team (Fest im Sattel, #3) by Veronica Wägner
    [LT: A Good Team (Firm in the Saddle, #3)]
  16. Überraschung mit Apoll (Fest im Sattel, #5) by Sabine Jörg
    [LT: Surprise with Apoll (Firm in the Saddle, #5)]
  17. Sturmwind und Kleine Wolke (Fest im Sattel, #6) by Ittla Frodi
    [LT: Stormwind and Little Cloud (Firm in the Saddle, #6)]
  18. Ein Pony braucht Hilfe (Fest im Sattel, #7) by Christine Pullein-Thompson
    [OT: A Pony in Distress (Firm in the Saddle, #7)]
  19. Ein schwerer Abschied (Grit und die Stute Hanny, #6) by Axel Frank
    [LT: A Hard Farewell (Grit and the Mare Hanny, #6)]
  20. Rivalen im Sattel (Grit und die Stute Hanny, #7) by Axel Frank
    [LT: Rivals in the Saddle (Grit and the Mare Hanny, #7)]
  21. Ein Pferd für Josie Mond (Blue Kite, #2) by Sharon Siamon
    [OT: A Horse for Josie Moon (Blue Kite, #2)]
  22. Pferdediebstahl auf der Weide (Wendy, #6) by Hans G. Franciskowsky
    [LT: Horse Theft on the Pasture (Wendy, #6)]
  23. Pferde in Not (Wendy, #7) by Hans G. Franciskowsky
    [LT: Horses in Distress (Wendy, #7)]
  24. Die Pferdefreundin (Wendy, #8) by Hans G. Franciskowsky
    [LT: The Horse Friend (Wendy, #8)]
  25. Oliver kommt zurück (Wendy, #12) by Hans G. Franciskowsky
    [LT: Oliver Comes Back (Wendy, #12)]
  26. Gefahr im Steinbruch (Wendy, #13) by Katharina Lahn
    [LT: Danger in the Quarry (Wendy, #13)]
  27. Der Sommer mit Karoline (Wendy, #14) by Katharina Lahn
    [LT: The Summer with Karoline (Wendy, #14)]
  28. Ein böser Verdacht (Wendy, #16) by Katharina Lahn
    [LT: A Bad Suspicion (Wendy, #16)]
  29. Biancas neuer Freund (Wendy, #17) by KatharinaLahn
    [LT: Bianca’s New Boyfriend (Wendy, #17)]
  30. Der Pferdeheiler (Wendy, #19) by Carola von Kessel
    [LT: The Horse Healer (Wendy, #19)]
  31. Feuer auf der Pferderanch (Wendy, #20) by Carola von Kessel
    [LT: Fire at the Horse Ranch (Wendy, #20)]
  32. Besuch auf der Pferdeinsel (Die Pferdeinsel, #3) by Jane Ayres
    [OT: Stranger on Wild Horse Island (Wild Horse Island, #3)]
  33. Gemeinsam über jede Hürde (Rose Hill #13) by Lauren Brooke
    [OT: Everything Changes (Chestnut Hill, #13)]
  34. Freunde fürs Leben (Lissy) by Jenny Winter
    [LT: Friends for Life]
  35. Doppeltes Glück (Lissy) by Jenny Winter
    [LT: Twice Lucky]

The Ones that are Complete Series


  1. Alles für Alando (Die Pferdeflüsterer vom Mühlenfließ, #1) by Miriam Margraf
    [LT: Everything for Alando (The Horse Whisperers of Mill Stream, #1)]
  2. Merlins letzte Chance (Die Pferdeflüsterer vom Mühlenfließ, #2) by Miriam Margraf
    [LT: Merlin’s Last Chance (The Horse Whisperers of Mill Stream, #2)]
  3. Flucht in die Berge (Nina und Nori, #1) by Angela Waidmann
    [LT: Flight into the Mountains (Nina and Nori, #1)]
  4. SOS Pferde in Not (Nina und Nori, #2) by Angela Waidmann
    [LT: SOS Horses in Distress (Nina and Nori, #2)]
  5. Jagd um Mitternacht (Nina und Nori, #3) by Angela Waidmann
    [LT: Hunt at Midnight (Nina and Nori, #3)]
  6. Wer rettet Tarino? (Nina und Nori, #4) by Angela Waidmann
    [LT: Who Saves Tarino? (Nina and Nori, #4)]
  7. Gefahr in den Bergen: Pferdeabenteuer Haflinger (Pferdeabenteuer, #1) by Günter Huth [LT: Danger in the Mountains: Horse Adventure Haflinger (Horse Adventure, #1)]
  8. Hundert Meilen bis zum Ziel: Pferdeabenteuer Vollblutaraber (Pferdeabenteuer, #2) by Andrea Pabel [LT: Hundred Miles to the Finish: Horse Adventure Arabian (Horse Adventure, #2)]
  9. Ausgerechnet Island: Pferdeabenteuer Isländer (Pferdeabenteuer, #3) by Angelika Schmelzer [LT: Iceland of All Things: Horse Adventure Icelandic Horse (Horse Adventure, #3)]
  10. Feuerball soll leben!: Pferdeabenteuer Hannoveraner (Pferdeabenteuer, #4) by Günter Huth [LT: Fireball Shall Live!: Horse Adventure Hanoverian (Horse Adventure, #4)]
  11. Traumpferd gesucht: Pferdeabenteuer Friese (Pferdeabenteuer, #5) by Andrea Pabel [LT: Dream Horse Wanted: Horse Adventure Friesian (Horse Adventure, #5)]
  12. Entscheidung für Lillebror: Pferdeabenteuer Norweger (Pferdeabenteuer, #6) by Angelika Schmelzer [LT: Call for Lillebror: Horse Adventure Norwegian (Horse Adventure, #6)]

The Ones that Stand Alone


  1. Archer: Legende des roten Landes by Astrid Frank
    [LT: Archer: Legend of the Red Country]
  2. Das Pferd des Teufels by Astrid Frank
    [LT: The Horse of the Devil]
  3. Fliegen wie Pegasus by Astrid Frank
    [LT: Flying Like Pegasus]
  4. Im Bann des Schattenpferdes by Angela Waidmann
    [LT: Under the Spell of the Shadow Horse]
  5. Pferdesommer in Schweden by Harriet Buchheit
    [LT: Horse Summer in Sweden]
  6. Lauf, Rasputin, lauf! by Sigrid Heuck
    [LT: Run, Rasputin, Run!]
  7. Rund um Pferd und Reiter by Christa Schütt
    [LT: Everything About Horse and Rider]
  8. Ein Stall für Hexe by Harriet Buchheit
    [LT: A Stable for Witch]
  9. Das Pferd wird noch geschminkt by Rosemarie von Schach
    [LT: The Horse is Still in Make-Up]
  10. Silberstern, der Schimmelhengst by Manfred Böckl
    [LT: Silver Star, the White Stallion]
  11. Der rote Hengst von Kinsale by Manfred Böckl
    [LT: The Red Stallion of Kinsale]
  12. Ein Wunder für Lea by Karin Müller
    [LT: A Wonder for Lea]
  13. Darkling: Die Geschichte eines Rennpferdes by K.M. Peyton
    [OT: Darkling]
  14. Jeden Tag hundert Pferde by Gitta von Cetto
    [LT: Every Day a Hundred Horses]
  15. Das Schattenpferd by K.M. Peyton
    [OT: The Swallow Tale (High Horse, #1)]
  16. Mein Pony Schwarzer Schwan by Tina Caspari
    [LT: My Pony Black Swan]
  17. Reitertips: Das praktische Handbuch für Reiter und Pferdefreunde by Christa Schütt
    [LT: Rider Tips: The Practical Handbook for Riders and Horse Friends]


Newbies 72 TBR Pile +59
English 5 German 67
Series 52 Standalones 20
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