I’ve always been interested in horse racing, so when I came across this book in the publisher’s catalogue, I was intrigued, especially since I know next to nothing about anything else than flat racing. I hoped for some insights, biographies and delightful anecdotes of trainers and their horses. Unfortunately, that’s not what I got …

26OctReview: Great Goddesses
When it comes to poetry, things get complicated. I have a very specific idea of what poetry should look like. Alas, this is probably why Great Goddesses didn’t work for me because I don’t consider this poetry and my brain just automatically turns off being annoyed …

02AugReview: Killing Gravity (Voidwitch Saga, #1)
In a very weird way, reading Killing Gravity felt like coming home. Nope, I’m not in any way that kind of tortured soul, it’s the universe, spaceships, galactic witches raised in a gruesome programme, begrudging allies turned family, a cute sidekick pet – you know, just my kind of jam! And hold on tight, this novella reads like a full-blown novel. For something that’s not even 200 pages long, it has a hell of a lot going on. Neither the characters nor the reader has much time to catch their breath between epic fight scenes, beautiful character moments, and stunning world building …

21JanReview: How to Be Irish
As someone madly in love with Ireland, I just had to pick up this book when I first came across it, expecting a funny, joyful, maybe even educational read. Unfortunately, in the end, it wasn’t for me …

26NovReview: What Is Not Yours Is Not Yours
Wow, this was a wild ride. I feel like I only understood about 10% of what I read. Still, I enjoyed reading this collection a lot – at least in the beginning. The last couple of stories unfortunately didn’t connect with me quite as well as some of the previous. But the writing is very beautiful, incredibly intricate and complex and there’s more happening between the lines then what’s on the page …

18JunReview: Die Augen des Schmetterlings
Weird. That’s the first word that comes to my mind when thinking about this novel. Technically, it had all the elements of my favourite chick lit novels: family mysteries, history, and foreign cultures. And yet, the pieces were oddly intertwined, the parts not evenly distributed over the course of the novel instead appearing as lengthy chunks one after the other. Furthermore, as much as I’m inclined to believe in some kind of the supernatural, as much as I love fantasy and madness borderlining each other, this story was something I just couldn’t fathom …

07MayReview: All the Birds in the Sky
Ooof, that one’s a wild ride! I have no idea what to make of this book. There were aspects I liked, aspects I loathed, and aspects I found superfluous. It’s also a book of opposites: it was a lot and not enough, too distant and too near, too weird and not weird enough. It’s like three different books mashed into one, a collection of weird fragments …