As always, I’ve been hoarding books but didn’t really get around to reading most of the books I bought. Here are the 2015 releases I actually really wanted to read, but couldn’t find the time to do so …

05JanTop Ten Tuesday #33: Series I Resolve to Finish in 2016
Series – my personal doom. My problem is that I love to reread the previous books each time a new one comes out. You can imagine that this takes up an insane amount of time. Plus, I sometimes lose interest in continuing right when I’m done with rereading and could actually start the new book. Or instead of continuing with the next book, I start reading other stuff and don’t get back to it. Kind of tricky and it most certainly doesn’t help with finishing series. I’m working on changing something about it, so here are the series I really want to finish this year. I do already own all the books I need to read, so there’s really no excuse …

04JanReview: Freunschaftsprobe
This novel is part of a series of books based on true events, however this is rather light in tone compared to the other novels I’ve read so far. There are issues and a dangerous situation, but the trail ride makes it a fun and entertaining read …

21DecReview: Blindes Vertrauen
This novel is part of a series of books based on true events, which means it is even more emotionally draining on me than the usual book. This novel follows a girl that went blind after a riding accident, which made it really hard to read. Going blind is one of my personal nightmares and one of the things I fear most …

14DecReview: Die Wolkenpferde
I love Icelandic horses, probably because they played a huge role in the very first horse novel I ever read. I’m also fascinated with Iceland and dream of visiting it one day. So far, it hasn’t worked out yet, but one day, I’m sure it will. When I first heard about this book, I really wanted to own and read it. Well, it only took me 7 years to finally get to it …

12DecWrap-Up October 2015
October is one of my favourite months of the year. It’s usually the epitome of what autumn, my favourite season, is all about: sunny days, rainy days, crisp air, creeping fog, colourful leaves, the smell of earth, pumpkin soup, and lots and lots of comfy reading time …

08DecA Dream Come True
There. Just look at that! I’m actually crying a little, staring at my screen in awe. This is a dream come true and it is glorious. Actually, it is much more than I‘d ever hoped for. It is just like I wanted it to be. And it only took three years to realise it …