A heroine set out for revenge; a dark and mysterious, more or less evil love interest; dragons known as Dracyr – this should have been just my kind of YA high fantasy romance novel. Unfortunately, it wasn’t. Granted, it didn’t take me long to get into the novel and at first, I inhaled it – until I put it down. The more I thought about what I’d read, the more difficult it became to get myself to continue. The concept of the Dracyr is very cool, but that’s about the only redeeming quality of the novel. Not only was I disappointed that the protagonist was a far cry from the kickass assassin I’d expected, the romance had me cringe and my skin crawl …

20SepTop Ten Tuesday #37: Irish Is Awesome #2
It’s All About Audio freebie time and since I had this post in the pipeline for so long, I decided this would be a perfect opportunity to publish it! Maybe you remember the last post, which I published shortly after finishing my Bachelor thesis. The covers of Avicii and Macklemore were the only thing that kept me sane during that horrific week of writing. How fitting that I just finished my Master degree. This time, my writing routine was very different. Although I did finish only hours before handing it in, I wasn’t under that much pressure because I managed to distribute the work fairly over a couple of weeks. Still, these ten covers below are wonderful and really make me want to work on my Gaeilge skills. Coláiste Lurgan makes those as part of their summer school project to add zest to Gaeilge for teens. They are absolutely fantastic …

15SepEnd of Year Survey 2015
Yeah, this is beyond silly. I just have a talent for semi-preparing these and then never finish them in time. But I had this one almost done so I just didn’t want to delete it all. And it’s kind of nice reminiscing last years books …

13SepTop Ten Tuesday #36: All-Time Favourite Horse Novels
You weren’t seriously expecting me to choose any other genre, were you? To be honest, I first and foremost chose horse novels because I’ve read hundreds of them and feel more or less competent to point out my all-time favourites. For example, I still haven’t read many high fantasy novels that are considered classics or are widely celebrated, which means I’d probably miss the very best that might become all-time favourites in the near-future – if that makes any sense. In no particular order …

09Sep173,400 Words
Hi there! Do you remember me? Yeah, it’s been a while. Seven months, to be precise. I’m sorry for suddenly disappearing without a trace. I had planned to give you a notice of absence but I deferred until it was pretty pointless to publish it. If you follow me on social media, you might know what’s been going on in my life over the last couple of months. If not, or if you lost track, since I haven’t been that active there either, here’s a summary …

26JanTop Ten Tuesday #35: Books I Abandoned … And Came Back To
Sometimes, I abandon books right in the middle. I just lose interest. My mood changes. I’m indecisive what I actually want to read. I’m too annoyed or appalled to continue. I want to read a new release I’ve been waiting for. Or I don’t have any reason whatsoever …

14JanReview: Seelenkuss
What the hell?! I’m still baffled and it hurts my soul to write this since Lynn Raven is one of my favourite authors, but in my humble opinion, this novel is a disaster! Seelenkuss reads like a first draft in need of heavy editing with a plot all over the place, characters so flat they’re almost translucent, and world building that had me scratching my head …