It’s All About Audio freebie time and since I had this post in the pipeline for so long, I decided this would be a perfect opportunity to publish it! Maybe you remember the last post, which I published shortly after finishing my Bachelor thesis. The covers of Avicii and Macklemore were the only thing that kept me sane during that horrific week of writing. How fitting that I just finished my Master degree. This time, my writing routine was very different. Although I did finish only hours before handing it in, I wasn’t under that much pressure because I managed to distribute the work fairly over a couple of weeks. Still, these ten covers below are wonderful and really make me want to work on my Gaeilge skills. Coláiste Lurgan makes those as part of their summer school project to add zest to Gaeilge for teens. They are absolutely fantastic – you can check out their other videos here.
Top Ten Tuesday #37: Irish Is Awesome #2
Hi there, I’m Ellie!
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