I’m not sure of what I’d heard first: the book or the ZDF Christmas series from the same year. I still haven’t seen the series and right now, I’m not so sure if I still want to. I probably will if I get my hands on it one day, but the book really put me off for the time being. Gah, and I had my hopes up!

08OctWrap-Up September 2017
The first week of September, I was off of work. Therefore, I expected to get a lot more reading done than I actually did in the end. Spending a lot of time at the stables really doesn’t help with reading, but it was nice to be able to ride every day for almost two weeks. […]

04OctSuBsalabim October 2017
October, November, and December – that’s my favourite quarter of the year, so I made a special list of autumnal and wintry titles for my friends to choose from. The resulting October reads: lost children, time travellers, an Irish princess, a girl that accompanied my teens, and Norse Gods …

24SepNewbies August 2017
Just with the Wrap-Ups, my last Newbies post was way back in September 2015. In short, I’m still addicted to buying books, frantically amassing more and more and then some more. This year, however, I’m alternating between months in which I buy next to no books and months in which I buy all the books. I’m kind of challenging myself to go as long without buying books as I can, but when I reach that point I can no longer stand not getting books, it escalates very quickly. Who would have thought the yo-yo effect also affects book buying behaviour?! August was one of the former, which is why I only have four books to show you, each a different format …

20SepThe Bookshop of My Choice feat. Die Spur der Bücher by Kai Meyer
Triggered by Kai Meyer’s Die Spur der Bücher, here’s a walk down memory lane: Remembering Libretto, the tiny bookshop of my childhood and teenage years, a handful of book orders and bookish incidents featuring Libretto’s very helpful bookseller Johannes, and a bookshop visit bringing back the good old times …

17SepReview: Kopfüber ins Abenteuer (Zoe: Das Glück hat vier Hufe, #1)
The novel begins with a trope and a lovely spin on it: There are new horses arriving at the stable, but not just any horses! Oh no, these two are stunt horses! Protagonist Zoe is not impressed though and that’s what I love about her. She’s worried about their well-being and eyes the training very suspiciously …

10SepWrap-Up August 2017
Um, apparently, I haven’t posted a Wrap-Up post since October 2015. That was ages ago. I can’t believe how much has happened since then. Anyway, the gist: two years later, I’m still awful at blogging regularly. When only considering the amont of pages read, September was an awful reading month. However, this is kind of misleading …