Damn! This is by far the best (and worst) dystopia I’ve ever read! Best, because it’s exactly what I’m looking for in a dystopia. Worst, because it’s so eerily topical I had to check the copyright page several times because I could not believe this was first published in 1985 …

07AprWrap-Up February 2020
The first three months of the year are just the worst, but readingwise, February was alright. I didn’t make my 2,500 pages goal but I came close. The books I read were a mixed bag, though. While the rating might not show that at first glance, I had issues with almost all of them – except for my childhood favourite!

02AprReview: Etiquette & Espionage (Finishing School, #1)
Welcome to the whimsically wonderful world of The Parasol Protectorate! In its YA incarnation, it’s just as steampunky, supernatural, and sublime – albeit demure. And yet, it shines with quirky characters, witty dialogue, adventurous episodes and an all-encompassing feel-good atmosphere …

31MarWrap-Up January 2020
Looking back from where we are now, January feels like a lifetime ago. Back then I only had to worry that I wouldn’t get off my night owl routine after the holidays, that work would be a bit too much, and that I was running out of space for books …

29MarI’m baaaaaack, bitches!
Yes, I can’t believe it either! It took me almost two freaking years to get my blog back online after the regulation that must not be named dropped. Anyways, maybe you’re wondering what live has been like since May 2018 – since I’m not particularly active on social media either. Well, …

13MayEnd of Year Survey 2017
Late as always (but earlier than last year, ha! I’m getting better at this!): Looking back on the books I read in 2017 – the good, the bad, and the ugly (crying)!

31DecReview: Lock & Mori (Lock & Mori, #1)
Well, that was a really weird reading experience. Weird, because I couldn’t help hearing and picturing the BBC Sherlock actors. Which was sometimes funny, sometimes strange, and most of the time didn’t work at all. For unfortunately, this book doesn’t really work out as a Sherlock retelling – although I have a feeling I know where this series is heading … and it’s all build on dubious creative decisions …