At the beginning of August I thought I’d spend the whole month reading. After handing in my term paper, I was supposed to have lots and lots of free time. Hahaha. Nope. …

04OctWrap-Up & Newbies July 2015
July was kind of awful. Between trying not to melt, studying for my exam and writing my term paper aka analysing the catalogue pages of 345 titles – don’t do that, not ever! You won’t want to look at new releases ever again – I didn’t get much reading done …

24SepWrap-Up & Newbies June 2015
June was a really mixed reading month. The first week was really hot so I fled my room and spend some wonderful reading hours at the Botanic Gardens. Sunshine, a soft wind, the chirping of birds and visits from curious squirrels – that’s what I consider peaceful quality reading time. For the rest of the month, however, I moved more or less into the library researching for my group presentation …

29JunNewbies May 2015
Umm … I think this got kind of out of hand. Well, compared to last year’s hauls, this is barely average, but I was doing so well. And then there came May, my good intentions vanished into thin air and I got more books than in the previous two months combined. In my defense … well, what can I say. It’s just the way I am – AND I had a lot of preorders AND I had to get the last PennyGirl books because the publisher was selling out AND I had a friend over who I just had to introduce to my favourite book shop in Munich …

24JunWrap-Up May 2015
May was such an awesome reading month! Although I had a couple of projects for uni, they didn’t take up as much of my time as I feared. Most of my free time, I spent with my head in a book. Not only did I read a lot, I also read a lot of awesome books …

28MayWrap-Up & Newbies April 2015
Yeah, I know, I’m super late with this. Thing is: I recovered from my reading slump, which means I spend every spare minute reading. This means that the blog goes short of my attention. I don’t know why, but it’s always either reading or blogging. Nevertheless, here are the couple of books I managed to read in April …

05AprWrap-Up & Newbies March 2015
I’m kind of in a reading slump right now. It all started, because I’ve been procrastinating reading Quintana of Charyn throughout March. Still haven’t read it yet, because I’m so afraid of ALL THE FEELS. Instead of turning to other books, I just didn’t read at all. Furthermore, I’m going to move in a couple of days and preparations are taking up a lot of my free time and I’m just not in the mood for reading …