Wrap-Up & Newbies April 2015

28th May 2015


WU_2015_04Yeah, I know, I’m super late with this. Thing is: I recovered from my reading slump, which means I spend every spare minute reading. This means that the blog goes short of my attention. I don’t know why, but it’s always either reading or blogging. Nevertheless, here are the couple of books I managed to read in April.

  1. Quintana of Charyn (The Lumatere Chronicles, #3) by Melina Marchetta

    I was so scared of reading this novel that it took me ages to finally pick it up. Although I loved it and shed so many tears over it, it’s my least favourite of the three. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I felt like it was too much drama and a couple of rather obvious twists and turns. 5/5

  2. Waistcoats & Weaponry (Finishing School, #3) by Gail Carriger

    Continuing the ‘least favourite in a series (so far)’ streak, I also didn’t enjoy this one as much as I hoped. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the characters, the banter, and the action, I was just not as invested in it as I usually am. I also didn’t enjoy the ending very much, but that’s a personal thing. I kind of hate the more or less cruel twists in Gail’s books. It’s what life is like in her world, but … I’m a little like Dimity in this matter. Wishing for a perfectly ordinary life without all these troubles and politics and stuff. 3/5

  3. Lips Touch: Three Times by Laini Taylor

    Wow, I miraculously read a book I didn’t intend to buy in the month I bought it! I did enjoy the three stories but there always came a turning point when I stopped loving them. Apparently, they just weren’t quite my thing. I liked the second one, “Spicy Little Curses”, best. Plus, this copy has gorgeous illustrations at the beginning of each story depicting the back story. 3/5

  4. Kelly: Liebe ist stärker als der Tod (One Last Wish, #9) by Lurlene McDaniel
    [OT: She Died Too Young]

    It’s so me to binge read the first eight books in this series, which are not at all interconnected and could be read as standalones, and put the series on a six months hiatus as soon as the novels actually become a real series. So glad I finally managed to continue. I really enjoyed this one. Made me cry quite a bit, as is expected with Lurlene’s novels. 4/5

  5. Mein Freund Flicka (Flicka, #1) by Mary O’Hara
    [OT: My Friend Flicka]

    I can’t believe I finally read this! It has been on my TBR since Christmas 2005. I don’t know why, but I’m not big on reading the horse novel classics. I only ever read Black Beauty and that was it till now. No Misty, no Fury, no … well, I don’t even really know what’s considered a classic besides these four. It took me a while to get into it but then I really enjoyed it. However, I was quite shocked how brutal this novel is. So much cruelty, illness, and death. 4/5


Including pages of books I haven’t finished yet.

In Books
In Pages
Read 5 Read 1745
First Reads 5 Pages/Day 58
Re-reads 0 Pages/Book 349


Newbies_2015_04Yet again a month in which I was kind of reserved when it came to buying books – surprise, surprise! It’s a good thing since I can already tell you that I overdid it in May. Nonetheless, no matter how few books I buy, I still can’t manage to reduce my TBR.

  1. Rückkehr auf die Pferdeinsel  (Die Pferdeinsel, #2) by Jane Ayres
    [OT: Return to Wild Horse Island (Wild Horse Island, #2)]

    I got this at what’s said to be the biggest flea market in Germany. I was kind of disappointed, because there were next to no books being sold. It’s part of a series that is a bit messy since parts of it were published by two different publishers under different titles and I won’t be able to figure out the actual reading order until I have and have read them all.

  2. Echos der Vergangenheit (Kampf der Großen Häuser, #1) by Mark Barnes
    [OT: The Garden of Stones (Echoes of Empire, #1)]

    Although this is also a book I probably shouldn’t have bought, at least I’ve had this in my hands several times before I actually chose to buy it. It sounds great.

  3. Die Drachenflüsterer-Saga (Drachenflüsterer-Saga, #1-3) by Boris Koch
    [LT: The Dragon Whisperer Saga]

    A ‘you don’t really need this but hey, it’s cheap and who knows, maybe it’s good’ purchase.

  4. Far from the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy

    It’s nice to inspire friends to buy books and then get one of them as a present in return. I hosted the lovely Bou when she came to Munich for a concert and she surprised me with this lovely classic.

  5. Miss Mayhem (Rebel Belle, #2) by Rachel Hawkins

    Although I didn’t love the first one, I did enjoy it and really want to continue this series. By now, I also got used to the cover.

  6. Lips Touch: Three Times by Laini Taylor

    I didn’t really have this one on my list but when I saw how beautiful this hardcover edition is, I just couldn’t help myself. Besides, it was half-priced and I already read it.


Newbies 6 TBR Pile +1
English 3 German 3
Series 4 Standalones 2
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6 responses

  • Hach, da fällt mir ein, dass noch immer Winterlicht Band 2 und 3 im Regal stehen. Mir war irgendwie noch immer nicht danach. Aber vielleicht kommt “Froi” für die nächsten Tage in die engere Auswahl.

    “Rebel Belle” subt auch noch, da haben mir die Meinungen zu Miss Mayhem einen kleinen Dämpfer verpasst. Bin gespannt, was du sagen wirst!

    Liebe Grüße,

    • Lesen 😀 ! Froi fand ich auch echt toll und konnte mich kaum von den Seiten losreißen.

      Ich fand auch schon Rebel Belle nicht ganz so wirklich das Richtige für mich, aber ich hatte auch vollkommen falsche Erwartungen. Irgendwie bin ich davon ausgegangen, dass das mehr so à la Vom Winde verweht sein würde – und dann spielt es aber ja doch jetzt. Trotzdem war es doch recht unterhaltsam und ich breche ja ungern Reihen ab, wenn sie nicht vollkommen grottenschlecht sind.

  • Hehe, the ending of W&W is what got me especially excited; just thinking of it reminded me that I need the fourth instalment desperately. Maybe I just like to suffer?

    “least favourite” and it still gets 5 stars – makes me kinda scared of the other books. Will my mind be in danger of being blown if I ever get to read Finnikin?

    • It’s like the ending of Heartless. I really didn’t like that one either ^^ ! Still, I don’t want it to be over. Do you know how many books the Custard Protocol series will have? I don’t want to have only two more books left in this world.

      I know, although it came very very close to 4. I just found it to be much more like your usual high fantasy novel with all the (kind of forced) drama and that was a little disappointing. Still, that’s complaining about first world problems. I think Finnikin really was my favourite, although Froi is also brilliant (but a little more forseeable despite all the twists and turns).

      • What happened there again? xD
        I think the Custord Protocol only planned for two books? But I might be wrong; they only announced two books, so I assumed it’s just those two.

        I really need to read those books. D: But I also need to read so many other books. xD

      • Woolsey and Westminster switched places – and all that went along with it.

        Oh noooo, I want mooooore!

        Hah, tell me about it! At least I managed to read them. Still, so many others vying for my attention.

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