My first newbie post since May 2014. That’s probably a good thing since this means you didn’t really get to see how crazy I went last year. This year also started … well, it was my birthday in January, so what did you expect?! Since I’m lazy, I’m not going to talk about all the books I got in January but jump right into February …
The Lunar Chronicles

17MarTop Ten Tuesday #26: Books on My Spring TBR List
Little readingrat, have you forgotten you didn’t want to put pressure onto yourself via reading lists? Well, I can still write lists, right? Doesn’t mean I have to stick to them. Looking back, I actually never have. Those quarter lists always ended up to be largely ignored. So, just for the fun of it, here are the books I might read this spring, if I happen to be in the right mood …

03MarTop Ten Tuesday #24: All-Time Favourites From the Past 3 Years
Choosing 10 all-time favourites from the past three years (2012-2014) wasn’t as hard as I thought. The more books I read, the more choosy I become. I’m not as easily impressed as I once was which is indicated by the dwindling number of 5-star books. However, a novel doesn’t neccessarily have to be a 5-star read to become a favourite …

11NovTop Ten Tuesday #22: Characters I Wish Would Get Their Own Book
I’ve probably forgotten countless characters I love and would love reading more about, but here are a couple of favourites I do remember …

10JunTop Ten Tuesday #18: Best Books of the First Half of 2014
Last year, I had exactly ten books on my first read favourites 2013 shelf this time around. This year, however, there are only five. Therefore, I included my five favourite four star novels as well …

19MarWrap-Up + Newbies February 2014
The first seventeen days of February were completely spent on my bachelor thesis. You have no idea how great I felt when I handed it in on the 17th. I hadn’t picked up a real novel in a little over a month because I was too afraid I would procrastinate by reading. However, I wasn’t able to read as much in the following days since I had a couple of other things going on. I visited my friends to help them repaint their flat before moving out, had to sew my sister a Little Red Ridinghood cape for carnival, and get a lot of things sorted out …

02MarWrap-Up January 2014
Yes, I’m late as always! But I had so much going on the last couple of months – namely, my bachelor thesis – that I didn’t have the time to read or blog. Wait, no time to read? Then what’s all of this?! I was surprised myself how many pages and books I read in January. However, these books were either relevant for my thesis, short story anthologies, or comics. I didn’t dare to start a proper novel since I wouldn’t have stopped reading …