I’m not quite sure what the point of this book is apart from milking the Hunger Games cash cow. I must admit that I was a mite interested when it was first announced – not because I wanted any kind of additional book, but I have a very tight knit bond with this series. After all, I kind of owe it my bachelor’s degree. When I found out it was about Snow, however, that mite almost died down entirely and I became extremely wary. Well, I wasn’t wrong …
Suzanne Collins

02MarWrap-Up January 2014
Yes, I’m late as always! But I had so much going on the last couple of months – namely, my bachelor thesis – that I didn’t have the time to read or blog. Wait, no time to read? Then what’s all of this?! I was surprised myself how many pages and books I read in January. However, these books were either relevant for my thesis, short story anthologies, or comics. I didn’t dare to start a proper novel since I wouldn’t have stopped reading …

19FebCreature of the Capitol
Creature of the Capitol – that’s not only the title of the bachelor thesis I’ve been writing these last couple of months, it’s exactly how I felt – a slave to the Capitol doing it’s bidding, writing, writing, … oh, have I mentioned writing already? No? Well, writing. 60 pages, if you want to know. Which you don’t because you’re probably sick and tired of my whining – at least if you follow me on Twitter. I really don’t know how my lovely ladies managed to cheer me on all the time. They were probably on their knees begging to let it be the 17th already while they tried to shut me up . . .

11JanWrap-Up December 2013
As always, I didn’t read either the novels I planned to nor the ones I should really truly have read. Instead, I spent my time bingereading the 2nd and 3rd installments of the Black Magician Trilogy, worked as a Christmas presents wrapping assistant at a bookshop and went on a short trip to Vienna to watch The Hobbit #2 and the musical Elisabeth, which I’m completely in love with – oh, and to visit a dear friend, of course 😉 ! Unfortunately, now I really have to write my bachelor thesis, so bye bye, my dearest blog! I hope I won’t neglect you all too much these next 1 1/2 months …

13NovWrap-Up September 2013
Well, well, September was a month of ups and downs. I started quite well, couldn’t concentrate on reading for most of the month just to come back really strong. All in all, I didn’t read that many books but quite a lot of pages. I came so close to crack the 3000 pages mark, but came short because I forgot to read on the last day …

04NovWrap-Up October 2013
I can’t believe it! A wrap-up that’s actually in time! I’m still two or so behind, but at least I got this one done. By the way, I’m sorry that I’m currently posting so seldom. I’m just having a lot of stuff on my plate such as a linguistics term paper, which I procrastinated a little too long (but at least now it’s done), my Bachelor thesis, and a private issue that threw me off the track and now I have to get used to this new situation …

08OctTop Ten Tuesday #11: Top Ten Best/Worst Series Enders
From stunning and heartbreakingly good to disappointing and outraging: here are my top three best and worst series enders each …