Late as always (but earlier than last year, ha! I’m getting better at this!): Looking back on the books I read in 2017 – the good, the bad, and the ugly (crying)!
Madeline Miller

08OctWrap-Up September 2017
The first week of September, I was off of work. Therefore, I expected to get a lot more reading done than I actually did in the end. Spending a lot of time at the stables really doesn’t help with reading, but it was nice to be able to ride every day for almost two weeks. […]

03SepSuBsalabim September 2017
Since I’m spending my holidays at my parents’ aka my private library, my friends had a considerable amount of books to choose from. The result is an eclectic mix of reads …

29OctWrap-Up & Newbies August 2015
At the beginning of August I thought I’d spend the whole month reading. After handing in my term paper, I was supposed to have lots and lots of free time. Hahaha. Nope. …