Sometimes, I abandon books right in the middle. I just lose interest. My mood changes. I’m indecisive what I actually want to read. I’m too annoyed or appalled to continue. I want to read a new release I’ve been waiting for. Or I don’t have any reason whatsoever …
Libri Mortis

They divide books into delicious morsels ready to be devoured – and sometimes we decide to eat up the whole serving tray in one go resulting in a major hangover with the flavour of our huge disappointment that there’s nothing left. They help us remember where we left off – well, at least those people who have awesome memory. Everyone else lets the good old bookmarks do the remembering. They are wonderful excuses to procrastinate – “Just let me finish this.” – “Only one more.” – we’ve all been there. Sometimes, they make us tear out our hair because they leave off with a cliffhanger and we have to stop to do annoying real life stuff or have to read half the book to get back to this certain point of view – or even one and a half books, in case you’re reading A Song of Ice and Fire. They come in different sizes and even more shapes to look their very best.

24MarTop Ten Tuesday #27: Books from My Childhood that Have a Special Place in My Heart
When I was younger, my grandpa read lots and lots of books to me: Erich Kästner, Otfried Preußler, Wilhelm Busch, Janosch, Paul Maar (basically all German children’s classics except for Michael Ende – I’ve never read a single one of his books), and Astrid Lindgren. Although there’s one or two I’d enjoy reading again, I’ve forgotten all about them. Seriously, I just had to consult Goodreads to come up with a list of children’s books that were read to me. I’m sure I loved them all very much – after all, they made me fall in love with the written word, – but they just don’t feel like “my” books, because I never read them myself …

04NovTop Ten Tuesday #21: Rereads
Do I reread books?! Hell yeah! I’m the Queen of Rereads! Last year’s reread ratio was one third, this year’s ratio is slightly higher so far. However, much has changed these last couple of months. The number of rereads has plummeted; I haven’t reread a novel in two freaking months! I really need to get back on track, but right now, I don’t see it happen (and to be honest, it’s not that bad. I have more than enough books on my TBR pile anyway). That said: here are the ten books I desperately want to reread as soon as possible …

17JunTop Ten Tuesday #19: Books on My Summer TBR List
… in which I list the books I hope to read over the summer months featuring lies, assassins, werewolves and vampires, dystopias, magic, horses, secrets, and Paris.

22MarI Got Tagged #3: My Favourite Literary Couples
Actually, I didn’t get tagged but I saw it on numerous blogs and decided to jump on the bandwagon. You’re supposed to name at least five of your favourite literary couples. I had a list with over twenty but decided to cut back because it really isn’t that easy to find great quotes in novels you haven’t read in the last couple of years. In some cases, I remembered what I wanted and where I could find it, in others I got lucky and just stumbled upon a great quote. So here are my twelve favourite literary couples in no particular order – well, except for the first one because Rhaegar and Lyanna are my absolute OTP …

08OctTop Ten Tuesday #11: Top Ten Best/Worst Series Enders
From stunning and heartbreakingly good to disappointing and outraging: here are my top three best and worst series enders each …