Hey, I’m even a little over a month earlier than last year! As always, I semi-prepared this but didn’t finish in time, but wanted to finish it nevertheless. It’s supposed to be functioning as a memory aid for my future self. Anyway, here are some of the books I’ve read in 2016 and my thoughts on them …
Die Seiten der Welt

15SepEnd of Year Survey 2015
Yeah, this is beyond silly. I just have a talent for semi-preparing these and then never finish them in time. But I had this one almost done so I just didn’t want to delete it all. And it’s kind of nice reminiscing last years books …

24SepWrap-Up & Newbies June 2015
June was a really mixed reading month. The first week was really hot so I fled my room and spend some wonderful reading hours at the Botanic Gardens. Sunshine, a soft wind, the chirping of birds and visits from curious squirrels – that’s what I consider peaceful quality reading time. For the rest of the month, however, I moved more or less into the library researching for my group presentation …

30JunTop Ten Tuesday #31: Best Books I’ve Read So Far In 2015
As a matter of fact, I’ve got exactly 10 titles on my first read favs 2015 shelf. I feel like I’m getting more and more nitpicky each year. On the other hand, I haven’t read a single one star book this year, so there’s that. Since there are so many series popping up multiple times, I also included some honorable mentions …

31MarTop Ten Tuesday #28: Books I Recently Added to My To-Be-Read List
Just to clarify: my Goodreads to-be-read shelf contains all the books I already own but haven’t read yet. I have separate to-buy lists for the books I’d like to read one day but don’t own yet. Since this topic’s not suggesting it’s about the books I recently bought, I’ll write about the books I recently shelved to-buy …

19MarWrap-Up February 2015
I did it! I really did it! I finished all the books that I’d started back in 2014. I’m still not used to seeing only two to three books in my currently reading section on Goodreads. It’s so weird. I can’t even remember the last time I’d read no more than three books. It must have been at least over 18 months ago. Shocking since I used to read one book after the other when I was younger …

13JanTop Ten Tuesday #23: 2014 Releases I Meant to Read But Didn’t Get To
Each year, there’s a number of books I can’t wait to get my hands on, but as soon as I have them, it’s just not meant to be: I’m not in the right mood. I have to read other books first. I don’t have the time to reread the previous books in the series. I lose interest. Here is the top ten of said books in chronological order …