Yeah, this is beyond silly. I just have a talent for semi-preparing these and then never finish them in time. But I had this one almost done so I just didn’t want to delete it all. And it’s kind of nice reminiscing last years books …
Brandon Sanderson

29OctWrap-Up & Newbies August 2015
At the beginning of August I thought I’d spend the whole month reading. After handing in my term paper, I was supposed to have lots and lots of free time. Hahaha. Nope. …

30JunTop Ten Tuesday #31: Best Books I’ve Read So Far In 2015
As a matter of fact, I’ve got exactly 10 titles on my first read favs 2015 shelf. I feel like I’m getting more and more nitpicky each year. On the other hand, I haven’t read a single one star book this year, so there’s that. Since there are so many series popping up multiple times, I also included some honorable mentions …

19MarWrap-Up February 2015
I did it! I really did it! I finished all the books that I’d started back in 2014. I’m still not used to seeing only two to three books in my currently reading section on Goodreads. It’s so weird. I can’t even remember the last time I’d read no more than three books. It must have been at least over 18 months ago. Shocking since I used to read one book after the other when I was younger …

23FebReview: Mistborn – The Final Empire (Mistborn, #1)
I really enjoyed Mistborn: The Final Empire. It made me smile, laugh out loud, scream, tear out my hair, and cry rivers of tears – and yes, these are all good attributes in a novel. And yet, I’m not as crazy about it as everyone else I know. Maybe my expectations were a little too high with all the buzz around me. Maybe I was too wary about becoming yet again the odd one out. And as much as I tried to love it, somehow I felt distant. I wasn’t able to completely immerse myself in this fantastic world and really connect with the characters. I see the beauty of the novel, I see why everyone else loves it. I can write a raving review – as an onlooker. Unfortunately, for me personally, it just didn’t click (which isn’t as bad as it sounds. It just means that it didn’t have that certain something for me).

25OctCurrently Reading #2: Mistborn
Nope, I haven’t finished Outlander yet. I’m far from it. So why am I here with yet another currently reading post? Well, because it’s time for #25hSanderson! Crini and Elena are hosting their first event in the A Year of Reading Brandon Sanderson challenge, which is a 25h read-a-thon starting in half an hour! You don’t need to participate in the challenge to join in the fun. Just grab the closest Sanderson book, head over to Crini or Elena to sign up and get going! There will be a couple of optional tasks and questions, so stay tuned. I will post my updates down below. Oh, and of course there’s a twitter hashtag: #25hSanderson …