I know, I know, I’m late. I’m always late. It’s just that I’m currently in a reading frenzy and can’t stop devouring one book after the other. Furthermore, the weather is brilliant (and almost a little too hot for my taste already) so I want to spend as much time outside as possible before I’ll have to start working in May …

21Apr[7 Days 7 Books]: Recaps Day #6-7, Updates #8
I’m so so sorry that I haven’t been able to keep you up to date these past two days. I just wasn’t at home much and therefore also haven’t read much …

18Apr[7 Days 7 Books]: Updates Day #5
Good morning! Wait, what? Yes, I just woke up about 30 minutes ago. After hours and hours of not doing anything really, I decided to pick up The Casual Vacancy again shortly after midnight – and read the remaining 130 pages in order to finish it. When I was finally done, it was past 3 am, I was tired but incredibly happy to have finished the novel that was the one I was most afraid of. It’s been on my currently reading shelf for so long and I never was in the mood for it …

17Apr[7 Days 7 Books]: Updates Day #4
Sorry about yesterday. It’s just that I didn’t read a single page. Instead, I continued cleaning up my room, which consisted mostly of sorting heaps of paper into their respective folders. The room’s getting a tiny bit better, meaning I can see parts of the floor again. I want to be done with everything before I move to Würzburg for my internship. Afterwards, I was pretty much staring into space because I had no motivation whatsoever. Then, I decided to go on cataloguing my books & adding the data to goodreads so I scanned and edited a couple of covers and synchronised the data …

16AprNewbies March 2014
Err … what happened? Seriously, what the hell happened?!
So, I was really down after I failed to reach my goal of reducing my TBR pile by two books in February because I sacrificed my reading time in order to sew my sister a Little Red cape for carnival. Yeah, I’m an awesome big sister, I know. Therefore, my book-buying abstinence was all for nothing. Then I went to Munich to visit Ric and went to a big book flea market. Then I realised that I hadn’t rewarded myself for finishing my bachelor thesis. Then I ordered books. And more books. Aaaaand just a couple of more books. It’s always the same. At least, I got most of them second hand thus cheap. Enjoy! …

16Apr[7 Days 7 Books]: Updates Day #3
Good morning everyone – or rather, good night! Just a “very short” update before I turn off the lights …

15AprA Good Deed
Being a collector is never easy, especially when it comes to horse novels. Most of them – at least the ones I wanted – were long out of print when I started collecting these books. Therefore, I had to rely on second hand traders. Second hand shops and flea markets are great and I got a considerable number of books at these places. The plus side: if one does not approve of the condition, one does not have to buy the book. However, they tend to have a very limited range, so I turned to eBay for most of my collector career and I really truly love that place. I’ve got hundreds of books there – and that’s no exaggeration! …