I’m currently getting back into making monthly TBRs. It’s fun to pick a couple of books I’m really in the mood for and see how far I get over the course of the month. They’re not set in stone, so I won’t revive the blog posts, though. I don’t want to put pressure on myself again since it didn’t end well the last time. And yet, it’s fun to plan ahead. So here are ten books I currently feel like reading over the next couple of months. This list definitely has the feeling of my favourite season, best read on colourful, crisp, and sunny days, and in cold, foggy, and rainy nights – or any combination of these adjectives, for all it matters …

19AugHow I Discover New Music #1: Other Lives
Until that fateful day, 18 October 2014, I had never heard of Other Lives, an indie rock band from Oklahoma. That day, I opened Youtube and there it was in my subscription feed: Outlander|| Take Us Alive by Shainira. I had been pondering either starting to watch the show or to read the first book, which was already on my shelf. When it comes to series, I don’t really care about spoilers – if I choose to be spoiled and go actively looking for them, mind you! I often check out a couple of fan videos to get a feeling for a series when I’m not sure about commiting myself, so this one was no exception. What I didn’t anticipate was falling so so so hard for the song …

20JulMonday Question: Longest on TBR Pile?
It’s been a really really long time since I last participated but I love talking about my crazy TBR pile, so here we go! …

30JunTop Ten Tuesday #31: Best Books I’ve Read So Far In 2015
As a matter of fact, I’ve got exactly 10 titles on my first read favs 2015 shelf. I feel like I’m getting more and more nitpicky each year. On the other hand, I haven’t read a single one star book this year, so there’s that. Since there are so many series popping up multiple times, I also included some honorable mentions …

29JunNewbies May 2015
Umm … I think this got kind of out of hand. Well, compared to last year’s hauls, this is barely average, but I was doing so well. And then there came May, my good intentions vanished into thin air and I got more books than in the previous two months combined. In my defense … well, what can I say. It’s just the way I am – AND I had a lot of preorders AND I had to get the last PennyGirl books because the publisher was selling out AND I had a friend over who I just had to introduce to my favourite book shop in Munich …

24JunWrap-Up May 2015
May was such an awesome reading month! Although I had a couple of projects for uni, they didn’t take up as much of my time as I feared. Most of my free time, I spent with my head in a book. Not only did I read a lot, I also read a lot of awesome books …

10JunCurrently Reading #4: Mansfield Park
In the beginning of May, a part of me thought it was an excellent idea to dive back into my ginormeous omnibus edition of Jane Austen’s novels. After reading Sense and Sensibility for the first and Pride and Prejudice for the third time (although the first time in English), I’m currently on Mansfield Park …