As always, I didn’t read either the novels I planned to nor the ones I should really truly have read. Instead, I spent my time bingereading the 2nd and 3rd installments of the Black Magician Trilogy, worked as a Christmas presents wrapping assistant at a bookshop and went on a short trip to Vienna to watch The Hobbit #2 and the musical Elisabeth, which I’m completely in love with – oh, and to visit a dear friend, of course 😉 ! Unfortunately, now I really have to write my bachelor thesis, so bye bye, my dearest blog! I hope I won’t neglect you all too much these next 1 1/2 months …

08JanNewbies December 2013
The last 2013 additions to my library. It’s a colourful mixture of long awaited novels, beautiful covers, unusual genres, hyped series, and some horse novels (well, it’s me, after all) …

06JanStats Round-Up 2013: Newbies and TBR Pile
I’m a book-buying addict, I’ve always been. I tend to buy more books than I will probably ever read and yet what happened in 2013 went far beyond my normal standards of crazy. I’ve never bought so many books in the course of one year before and I’m not even sure why I went over the top. I blame part of it on getting involved in the book blogosphere: suddenly, I was made aware of new releases, discovered new novels and series left and right and got more recommendations than I could handle. I wanted to belong, so I got some of the novels everyone talked about, or novels that were group reads. Don’t get me wrong, I love it! If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have read the novels that became my 2013 favourites. So here are my crazy newbie & TBR pile stats of 2013 …

08DecNewbies November 2013
Newbies 2013_11
You have no idea how happy I am writing a newbie post that doesn’t contain a ginormeous amount of books! Maybe this is going to be an incentive to reduce my hauls. Haha, I’m kidding – I already preordered my 2014 must-haves this month as a reward for having such a great month in the TBR-Reduction-Challenge. That’s the logic of a book-buying addict. Anyways, I’m happy to announce that I was able to fulfill this months task and saved € 8.50 (which I already invested in a CD) as well as actually reducing my TBR pile by 5 books! …

05DecWrap-Up November 2013
It’s been a very long time since I read over 3000 pages. February, to be exact. This makes November a pretty awesome month for my stats but I also feel bad about it. I shouldn’t have read all those books. Instead, I should have read The Hunger Games Trilogy and a whole lot of companions for my Bachelor thesis. Now I will have to do this in December. God, I think I’m going to panic soon. The only positive thing about the whole process is that Ms Collins seems to have swallowed Goffman’s Asylums and rehashed it as The Hunger Games. She’s pretty much serving me everything I need on a silver plate. It’s going to be a pleasure to put everything together …

26NovNewbies October 2013 + Bookfair Haul
Ahem, this is even worse than last month. First, we have the non-bookfair newbies (the bookfair newbies are below) …