Wrap-Up December 2013

11th January 2014

WU 2013_12

As always, I didn’t read either the novels I planned to nor the ones I should really truly have read. Instead, I spent my time bingereading the 2nd and 3rd installments of the Black Magician Trilogy, worked as a Christmas presents wrapping assistant at a bookshop and went on a short trip to Vienna to watch The Hobbit #2 and the musical Elisabeth, which I’m completely in love with – oh, and to visit a dear friend, of course 😉 ! Unfortunately, now I really have to write my bachelor thesis, so bye bye, my dearest blog! I hope I won’t neglect you all too much these next 1 1/2 months.


  1. Divergent (Divergent, #1) by Veronica Roth
    [dt. Die Bestimmung (Die Bestimmung, #1)]

    After I found out that there’s a character called Cara, I decided that it was time I started this series. I was quite surprised to like it as much as I did. I’m not really into dystopias, but this one was really interesting and exciting. However, the ‘twist’ came so abrupt that I was thrown out of the story since I had to go back and reread that scene a couple of times to make sure it wasn’t a dream or something. The rest felt a little bit rushed. 4/5

  2. Die Novizin (Die Gilder der Schwarzen Magier, #2) by Trudi Canavan
    [OT: The Novice (The Black Magician Trilogy, #2)]

    I liked it much better than the first one, probably because Akkarin is featured much more prominently. God, I’m in love with this guy, like, seriously in love! Oh, and I also love Sonea. She’s such a great character and it’s nice to watch her getting stronger and stronger and finally standing up for herself. I had some problems with the Regin situation: on the one hand, I could understand that Sonea didn’t act due to her problematic position as the girl from the lower class, on the other hand, I really wanted to shake her from time to time so that she would finally do something about it or at least go and tell someone. And then there were some parts that were a little boring. 4/5

  3. Der lange Ritt nach Hause by Diana Pullein-Thompson
    [OT: The Long Ride Home]

    This month’s novel for the Favourites-Challenge. Another girl called Cara who’s on an adventurous trail ride/flight from some evil smugglers. You can find a little anecdote and my review here (German only). 5/5

  4. Inside the TARDIS: The Worlds of Doctor Who by James Chapman

    It’s the Doctor Who Year, so when I found this on the shelves of Shakespeare & Company in Vienna, I couldn’t resist. Although I haven’t watched much of the classic series, it was quite interesting. Still, it would have been much better if I’d actually known what I was reading about. Nevertheless, I learned a couple of interesting facts. The most unsettling one is that the Daleks are an allegory for the Nazis. So from now on, loving the Daleks comes with a really bitter taste – but I just can’t help it. They are great Who villains. 3/5

  5. Let It Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson & Lauren Myracle
    [dt. Tage wie diese]

    I don’t read much contemporary YA, but I just felt like adding another Christmassy novel to my reading list. Although it didn’t blow me away, I liked it. It was just nice reading about snow when there was not a single flake outside, no matter how hard I wished for it to fall. The three stories were were sweet, made me laugh from time to time, and tied up nicely. 3/5

  6. Dash & Lily’s Book of Dares by Rachel Cohn & David Levithan
    [dt. Dash & Lilys Winterwunder]

    My second Christmassy read. I made it! It’s so adorable and funny and sweet and Christmassy and … awwww. However at some point, the story lost me for a short time and I had to find my way back in. 4/5

  7. Besser reiten by Jo Bird
    [OT: Better Riding]

    Well, at least the layout was properly done this time. Ok, ok, it wasn’t that bad. Still, I wouldn’t call a book Besser reiten, if it’s more about the basics than acutally about improving techniques. At least Büchermonster had fun at my expense (well, I also died of laughter – it was just hilarious).  3/5


  1. The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1) by Suzanne Collins
    [dt. Tödliche Spiele (Die Tribute von Panem, #1)]

    Reread for my bachelor thesis. This highlighting business is totally exhausting. Now at least one third of the novel is yellow and orange.

  2. Seelenkuss by Lynn Raven
    [LT: Soul Kiss]

    I waited so long for this novel and all I read so far are the first 30 pages. First, I don’t have the time to continue, second, I’m a little scared that I might not like it. After all, I’ve got extremely high expectations…

  3. Die Meisterin (Die Gilde der Schwarzen Magier, #3) by Trudi Canavan
    [OT: The High Lord (The Black Magician Trilogy, #3)]

    Gosh, this is everything I had hoped for! BRILLIANT! MAGNIFICENT! I LOVE IT SO MUCH! Akkarin! Sonea! Awwwww! Unfortunately, reality keeps me from continuing. However, since I’m terribly afraid of the ending, I don’t mind much. I really don’t want it to end, especially not if it ends the way I think it will end.

  4. Die schreckliche deutsche Sprache by Mark Twain
    [OT: The Awful German Language]

    A quick little linguistically interesting read about the quirks of German. Quite funny in parts.


  1. Fifty Shades Freed (Fifty Shades, #3) by E.L. James
    [dt. Befreite Lust (Shades of Grey, #3)]

    I’ve already forgotten what I read. Can’t wait to finish it so that I can completely eradicate this series from my mind. However, it’so bad that it’s quite hilarious.

  2. Deathless by Catherynne M. Valente

    Yes, still at it. And although I finally managed to get into the story, I didn’t read on. Too much stuff going on right now. I wish I would have the time to get my bad reading habits out of my system but that’ll have to wait.


In Books
In Pages
Read 7 Read 3299
First Reads 6 Pages/Day 106
Re-reads 1 Pages/Book 471


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6 responses

  • hehe Besser reiten 8D *lach* sorry, musste sein.
    Inside the Tardis hätte ich ja auch noch gern, diesen Zusammenhang mit den Daleks und Nazis kannte ich bisher noch nicht. Ich wusste nur dass die so wütend sind, weil sie bei einem Atomkrieg mutiert sind XD
    Go go go! Deathless schaffst du noch 🙂 aber ich weiß, es ist manchmal schon echt anstrengend…
    Gut, dass dir Divergent gefallen hat 🙂 hoffe, das zieht sich weiter so haha 😀 aber ich schick dir auch bald mal die zwei anderen Bände!

    • Ich hab Tränen gelacht! Das war so cool.
      Mir war das auch nicht bewusst, aber das wird wirklich ständig erwähnt und es stimmt auch, wenn man mal drüber nachdenkt. Btw, Skaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaroooooooooooooooooooooooooo ;P
      Ich bin ja immerhin über die eine anstrengende Stelle gekommen. Es steht auf jeden Fall mit ganz oben auf meiner Post-BA-Leseliste.
      Ich bin auch schon sehr gespannt auf die Nachfolger. Aber lass dir ruhig Zeit, momentan hab ich sowieso absolut keine, um die zu lesen.

  • Elisabeth ist sooo toll! Will das auch noch mal sehen.

    Cool, dass du endlich Divergent gelesen hast 😉 Welchen Twist meinst du denn eigentlich?

    • Oh Gott ja! Ich bin so froh, dass das nochmal geklappt hat, weil es in Wien nur noch bis Ende Januar läuft und ich es unbedingt nochmal mit Mark & Annemieke sehen wollte. Und dann saßen wir auch noch in der ersten Reihe und wir waren hinterher an der Stagedoor und jetzt hab ich die Autogramme auf meiner Besetzungsliste und ein Foto mit Mark ♥♥♥ ! Ich wollte eigentlich nochmal nen Extrapost zu Wien schreiben, vielleicht schaffe ich das dann im Feb.

      Jaa, ich habe es geschafft \o/ ! Ähm, wie mach ich das ohne zu spoilern (ich brauch mal Spoilertags für die Kommentare) … das was dann nach der Initiationsfeier kam.

      • Haha, oh Gott, das ist mir ein Level zu hoch, mit den Namen kann ich gar nichts anfangen xD Aber schön, dass du so tolle Sachen mit denen erlebt hast 😀

        Quasi der große Showdown? So das letzte Viertel des Buches?

      • Verständlich xD ! Ich bin ein ziemlicher Musikalfan und deswegen da zumindest etwas bewandert (aber auch nur, wenns mich wirklich interessiert).

        Genau. Und der Moment, in dem das anfängt, fand ich irgendwie sehr abrupt und unwirklich. Ein paar Seiten später gings dann, aber im ersten Moment dachte ich, ich hätte irgendwie ne Seite ausgelassen.

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