This week’s Monday Question by Libromanie is:
Do you have any pre-orders?
Oh yes, indeed I have! There are currently 32 novels on my ordered shelf – however, most of them are from Better World Books or Thalia and just take their time to get here. But I do have a couple of actual pre-orders, too:

On the Fence by Kasie West
Why I pre-ordered it: I loved The Distance Between Us so freaking much that I immediately went and pre-ordered this one. I really hope it will be just as fun and entertaining.
Black Dove, White Raven by Elizabeth Wein
Why I pre-ordered it: You mean, besides the pretty awesome title? Unfortunately, the cover’s not that pretty. I just loved Code Name Verity so freaking much that I will buy everything by Elizabeth Wein.
Illusions of Fate by Kiersten White
Why I pre-ordered it: Umm, the cover. Until now, I had totally forgotten what it’s about. It sounds nice, though.
City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett
Why I pre-ordered it: “A densely atmospheric and intrigue-filled fantasy novel of living spies, dead gods, buried histories, and a mysterious, ever-changing city-from one of America’s most acclaimed young SF writers“ – and the cover, of course! Just look at it!
A Thousand Pieces of You (Firebird, #1) by Claudia Gray
Why I pre-ordered it: COVER!!! And although I didn’t really like Evernight, I’ll decided to give her a second chance. It sounds pretty cool – “A Thousand Pieces of You explores a reality where we witness the countless other lives we might lead in an amazingly intricate multiverse, and ask whether, amid infinite possibilities, one love can endure.“ – I’m not too keen on the love story, though. Let’s just hope that it’s going to be good.
Belle Epoque by Elizabeth Ross
Why I pre-ordered it: It’s finally going to be published in a paperback edition with that beautiful cover! And it sounds so good: “Inspired by a short story written by Emile Zola, Belle Epoque is set at the height of bohemian Paris, when the city was at the peak of decadence, men and women were at their most beautiful, and morality was at its most depraved.“
Mr. Kiss and Tell (Veronica Mars, #2) by Rob Thomas & Jennifer Graham
Why I pre-ordered it: Veronica Maaaahaaaars!!!! I’m just slightly obsessed.
In the Afterlight (The Darkest Minds, #3) by Alexandra Bracken
Why I pre-ordered it: I really liked the first one and hope to read and like the second one just in time for the third. Plus, for some reason, I really like the covers.
Waistcoats & Weaponry (Finishing School, #3) by Gail Carriger
Why I pre-ordered it: The second it went up on Amazon, I hit the pre-order button. Gail Carriger has become one of my favourite authors. Her novels are just so much fun and her characters so lovable.
You want to share your thoughts on the topic? Fell free to do so! Participation is simple: Each Monday, Libromanie publishes a new Monday Question (in German), which can be answered over the course of one week. Just write a post with your thoughts and link to it using this form here.
Hah, I did pre-order “A Thousand Pieces of You” too and guess what? It’s because of this really amazing cover 😀 I absolutely need this book on my bookshelf^^
“Mr. Kiss and Tell” might also be another pre-order of mine but I’m still waiting for the DVD release of the VM movie (which is scheduled for this month \o/) so that I can FINALLY read the first novel without risking any spoilers.
I think it went into the cart before I even read the synopsis 😀 ! It’s just gorgeous! My favourite cover so far this year.
Oh, you still haven’t seen it. I’m really looking forward to your opinion on both the movie and the book! The other day I thought about starting the series all over again but unfortunately I don’t have the time.
Endlich jemand, der auch so viel vorbestellt wie ich!!! Ich könnte ohne diese Vorbestellungen gar nicht mehr, weil ich bestimmte Bücher auf keinen Fall verpassen möchte 😛
*g* siehe da, du vergisst manchmal auch worum es in einem Buch geht und erinnerst dich mehr an das Cover, weil das so schön ist. Geht mir des Öfteren auch so und dann ist die Überraschung noch größer, wenn das Buch dann bei mir ankommt…
Ich bestelle eigentlich auch vor, damit mir die Bücher nicht entgehen. Meistens lese ich sie dann ja erstmal ewig nicht, aber hauptsache, sie stehn schon mal im Regal 😀 !
Ich bin ganz schreckliche Cover-Käuferin. Das ging zwar schon einige Male in die Hose, aber ich kanns einfach nicht lassen. Englische Bücher bekommt man da aber dann doch ziemlich gut wieder los.