As always, I’ve been hoarding books but didn’t really get around to reading most of the books I bought. Here are the 2015 releases I actually really wanted to read, but couldn’t find the time to do so …
Veronica Mars

02JunTop Ten Tuesday #30: Books I Would Love to See as a Movie/TV Show, Part 2
I originally did this topic back in 2013 but since then, I’ve read many books I’d also love to see adapted, preferrably in a world in which book-to-movie adaptations are actually super faithful to the source material and people who look just like I imagined the characters are cast. Wait, what do you mean there’s no such world? Damn, now I have to endure another freaky adaptation of The Mortal Insturments (I had high hopes because I quite like most of the cast – and then I saw this picture of Isabelle in her ‘classy white dress’) …

17MarTop Ten Tuesday #26: Books on My Spring TBR List
Little readingrat, have you forgotten you didn’t want to put pressure onto yourself via reading lists? Well, I can still write lists, right? Doesn’t mean I have to stick to them. Looking back, I actually never have. Those quarter lists always ended up to be largely ignored. So, just for the fun of it, here are the books I might read this spring, if I happen to be in the right mood …

30JunMonday Question: Any Pre-Orders?
Oh yes, indeed I have! There are currently 32 novels on my ordered shelf – however, most of them are from Better World Books or Thalia and just take their time to get here. But I do have a couple of actual pre-orders, too …

10JunTop Ten Tuesday #18: Best Books of the First Half of 2014
Last year, I had exactly ten books on my first read favourites 2013 shelf this time around. This year, however, there are only five. Therefore, I included my five favourite four star novels as well …

25Apr[7 Days 7 Books]: Wrap-Up
I know, I know, I’m late. I’m always late. It’s just that I’m currently in a reading frenzy and can’t stop devouring one book after the other. Furthermore, the weather is brilliant (and almost a little too hot for my taste already) so I want to spend as much time outside as possible before I’ll have to start working in May …

18Apr[7 Days 7 Books]: Updates Day #5
Good morning! Wait, what? Yes, I just woke up about 30 minutes ago. After hours and hours of not doing anything really, I decided to pick up The Casual Vacancy again shortly after midnight – and read the remaining 130 pages in order to finish it. When I was finally done, it was past 3 am, I was tired but incredibly happy to have finished the novel that was the one I was most afraid of. It’s been on my currently reading shelf for so long and I never was in the mood for it …