Creature of the Capitol – that’s not only the title of the bachelor thesis I’ve been writing these last couple of months, it’s exactly how I felt – a slave to the Capitol doing it’s bidding, writing, writing, … oh, have I mentioned writing already? No? Well, writing. 60 pages, if you want to know. Which you don’t because you’re probably sick and tired of my whining – at least if you follow me on Twitter. I really don’t know how my lovely ladies managed to cheer me on all the time. They were probably on their knees begging to let it be the 17th already while they tried to shut me up . . .
The Lunar Chronicles

10DecTop Ten Tuesday #14: Books on My Winter TBR List
I have no idea why I’m actually still doing these lists, since I generally never read more than two of the books I put on them. Oh well, at least its fun! I’m planning on reading quite a lot of novels that suggest cold in one way or another …

03DecTop Ten Tuesday #13: 2014 Releases I’m Dying to Read
Usually, I’m not planning too far ahead but here are the books I really really really want to read in 2014 – and most of them are already preordered! Some of them are installments in a series I’m loving, some I found via Goodreads friends, and other drew me in by their gorgeous covers, or titles, or blurbs …

10SepTop Ten Tuesday #9: Books I Would Love to See as a Movie/TV Show
Well, well, one should think that it would be easy to find novels one would like to see as a movie or TV series. However, there are so many YA novels which are already in different stages of production that it was rather difficult to find favourites that aren’t already opted for an adaptation. Unsurprisingly, some of the following novels weren’t originally English or don’t even have an English translation and therefore don’t have an adaptation yet. If I’d live in a world in which book-to-movie adaptations were super faithful to the source material, these would be the ten novels I’d love to see on the big or the small screen …

25JunTop Ten Tuesday #5: Best Books of the First Half of 2013
Coincidentally, there are exactly ten books on my first reads favourites 2013 shelf. They are listed according to the date I read them from January to June …