They divide books into delicious morsels ready to be devoured – and sometimes we decide to eat up the whole serving tray in one go resulting in a major hangover with the flavour of our huge disappointment that there’s nothing left. They help us remember where we left off – well, at least those people who have awesome memory. Everyone else lets the good old bookmarks do the remembering. They are wonderful excuses to procrastinate – “Just let me finish this.” – “Only one more.” – we’ve all been there. Sometimes, they make us tear out our hair because they leave off with a cliffhanger and we have to stop to do annoying real life stuff or have to read half the book to get back to this certain point of view – or even one and a half books, in case you’re reading A Song of Ice and Fire. They come in different sizes and even more shapes to look their very best.
Rainbow Rowell

17DecTop Ten Tuesday #15: New-to-Me Authors I Read in 2013
I got lucky and discovered a couple of amazing authors this year! …

15AugWrap-Up June 2013
June wasn’t so bad. I managed to increase the number of books read and number of pages read at least a little …

07AugNewbies June & July 2013
I couldn’t live through two consecutive months of book-buying bans, so I decided to postpone it. Still, I didnt’ get that much – compared to other months. Nevertheless, I definitely buy too many books. I just can’t help it …

01JunReading List June 2013
Let’s call May an epic fail! It started out so great that I thought for a moment that I would get through my utopian reading list, but then I got distracted by four good reasons to spend my time not reading. Very well, so here we are again with basically most of the May list. I’m going to leave the last two slots empty because I cannot decide which ones to choose …