Throwback to two years ago – Sana came up with a really fun idea: starting 30 books in 30 days. With a currently reading pile of 20 books in the beginning of May, participating in this would be a really stupid move on my part, right? Well, who cares?! I didn’t want to let this silly game pass me, so I decided to tweak it a little: reading in 30 books in 30 days? That I could do, being both able to start some new ones and trying to finish ones that have been on my CRP for years. So this is how it went …
Esther Friesner

14AprEnd of Year Survey 2018
Yep, this one is super late even for these! However, since I didn’t have my blog, I didn’t feel like finishing and/or publishing it yet since no one besides me would be able to read it. It was kind of nice going through this, remembering the books I read not so long ago that feels like a different life time. So here are the tops and bottoms of 2018 …

04OctSuBsalabim October 2017
October, November, and December – that’s my favourite quarter of the year, so I made a special list of autumnal and wintry titles for my friends to choose from. The resulting October reads: lost children, time travellers, an Irish princess, a girl that accompanied my teens, and Norse Gods …

29MayNewbies April 2014
Yiiiihaaaa, I did it! For the first time this year, I managed to reach my goal of reducing my TBR pile by two books a month. However, that doesn’t mean that I suddenly became abstinent. Oh no, mind you, it was just another crazy month of getting way too many books. However, I also read a ton of books – probably more than I ever read before …

02AprReading List April 2014
As a matter of fact, I failed yet again to read the stuff that I put onto the March list. Of the eight novels I planned to read, I only finished two. I just happened to fall into a reading slump right in the middle of The Bone Season. Hopefully, I’m back on track now. At least I feel a little more motivated …

20MarI Got Tagged #2: I’m dying to read …
I got tagged by the lovely Ric and I’m pretty much the last person doing it so I won’t tag anyone specifically but if you haven’t joined in and want to, feel free to do so! …

03DecTop Ten Tuesday #13: 2014 Releases I’m Dying to Read
Usually, I’m not planning too far ahead but here are the books I really really really want to read in 2014 – and most of them are already preordered! Some of them are installments in a series I’m loving, some I found via Goodreads friends, and other drew me in by their gorgeous covers, or titles, or blurbs …