Throwback to two years ago – Sana came up with a really fun idea: starting 30 books in 30 days. With a currently reading pile of 20 books in the beginning of May, participating in this would be a really stupid move on my part, right? Well, who cares?! I didn’t want to let this silly game pass me, so I decided to tweak it a little: reading in 30 books in 30 days? That I could do, being both able to start some new ones and trying to finish ones that have been on my CRP for years. So this is how it went …
C.J. Redwine

10AugSuBsalabim August 2017
The August SuBsalabim TBR is a little boring background storywise with four books purchased rather recently. Alas, with four firsts, this might get me into some series – or will make me abandon them. Who knows at this point …

They divide books into delicious morsels ready to be devoured – and sometimes we decide to eat up the whole serving tray in one go resulting in a major hangover with the flavour of our huge disappointment that there’s nothing left. They help us remember where we left off – well, at least those people who have awesome memory. Everyone else lets the good old bookmarks do the remembering. They are wonderful excuses to procrastinate – “Just let me finish this.” – “Only one more.” – we’ve all been there. Sometimes, they make us tear out our hair because they leave off with a cliffhanger and we have to stop to do annoying real life stuff or have to read half the book to get back to this certain point of view – or even one and a half books, in case you’re reading A Song of Ice and Fire. They come in different sizes and even more shapes to look their very best.