
Confessions of an Addict: My TBR Pile

As you all know very well, my TBR pile’s huge. Okay, no, that’s an understatement. It’s 840 books ginormeous. Yeah, that’s right: eight hundred and forty freaking books of the about I-don’t-quite-know-whether-that’s-actually-correct 1,730 books I own are unread. That’s almost half of them …

My Shelves: 2004 vs. 2014 [Part 2/2] – Library Tour / Book Census Results

I’m sure you remember how my shelf looked like 10 years ago. If not, you can refresh your memory here. Well, 10 years is quite a long time and as you will see, I’ve been buzy collecting books. First off, I feel obliged to mention that I collect horse novels. It’s my quirk and I really don’t care if you think I’m completely mental. I do enjoy friendly teasing (many thanks to my Twitter people for some of the most hilarious tweets ever), just don’t be rude.

My Shelves: 2004 vs. 2014 [Part 1/2]

Ever since I started blogging, it’s bugging me that I haven’t taken more pictures of my shelves over the years. I had so many different shelves and a million different arrangements since I feel like I’m reordering my books once a week to fit in all the new additions …

Book Census 2013

I hardly dare to tell you that I actually don’t know how many books I own. On the other hand, you might have noticed that by now. I know this sounds completely crazy. It is crazy. And I do hate it so I’m going to change this today – or at least I’m going to try …

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