Oh, was für eine fiese Frage, wo ich doch während des Semesters von meinen Bücherregalen getrennt bin, da die noch in meinem Zimmer bei meinen Eltern sind. Ich habe in meiner Wohnung nur ein Reserveregal, auf dem nur eine kleine Auswahl steht und von dem die Bücher ca. alle 3 Wochen ausgetauscht werden, wenn ich nach Hause fahre. Ich hätte meine Bücher aber auch beim besten Willen nicht mitnehmen können, da ich hier nicht den Platz für meine ca. 1260+ Bücher habe (leider – Schande über mich – habe ich momentan keine vollständige Liste, da ich meine Exceltabelle seit einem Jahr vernachlässigt habe, auf GR aber einige der alten Bücher noch nicht im System sind).

01MayReading List May 2013
In April, I hardly had the time to read thanks to university. Admittedly, my reading list was utopian and hardly manageable, but I always like to plan more and hope that I would take it as an incentive to read more. Now, I have to transfer the still utopian list into May, whether I want it or not. I hope that I will have more time to read due to the holidays and can work off a few books at least.

22AprMontagsfrage: Schullektüren
Die heutige Montagsfrage von Paperthin lautet: “Welche Bücher hast du in der Schule gelesen?”
Glaubt mir, das wollt ihr eigentlich nicht wirklich wissen … da kommt nämlich so einiges zusammen!

12AprChallenge Time: French Reloaded
I’m sure most of you are familiar with the following scenario:
At some point, you’ve started to learn another language for one reason or another. Perhaps you came to like this language but unfortunately, you never had enough opportunities to use it. In time, you’ve forgotten most about it. Then comes the day it would come in handy – but even the most basic vocab and grammar are gone. How annoying! Everything you had invested into this language was all for nothing because you were too lazy to spend time on maintaining your language skills.
Welcome to my world. This is exactly what happened with my French – and I’m about to do something against it.

11AprNewbies March 2013
So much for sticking to the book-buying ban from the TBR-Reduction-Extreme challenge. But hey, you haven’t seen what I’ll get in April. This is next to nothing compared to my Easter haul!

11AprMonthly Themes March 2013: Stadt, Land, Fluss
In March, we played a round of Stadt, Land, Fluss, an infamous German game that requires only a piece of paper, a pen, the ability to handle time pressure, and a considerable amount of general knowledge. If one’s convincing, one can replace the latter through a good deal of imagination (it can be a little like Scrabble – discussions and arguments included). So I’m not sure how it is called in English but it seems to be the equivalent to Scattergories with the difference that one uses the resources at hand. It is one of the long runners for killing time during free periods at school.

11AprMonthly Themes Feb 2013: Books à la Carte
In February, Crini invited us to dine with her. We were allowed to choose our bookish dishes from the following categories: aperitif, starter, main course, dessert . . .