The first seventeen days of February were completely spent on my bachelor thesis. You have no idea how great I felt when I handed it in on the 17th. I hadn’t picked up a real novel in a little over a month because I was too afraid I would procrastinate by reading. However, I wasn’t able to read as much in the following days since I had a couple of other things going on. I visited my friends to help them repaint their flat before moving out, had to sew my sister a Little Red Ridinghood cape for carnival, and get a lot of things sorted out …

15MarNewbies January 2014
Except for Die Liebe deines Lebens, which was a belated Christmas present, and the three W.i.t.c.h. paperbacks, I got all of the books for my birthday. I’m so glad that my parents want me to write wishlists and then actually get me what’s on them. After all, it’s still a surprise what I get since my lists tend to be awfully long and they just pick a couple of books …

14MarReview: Nearly Gone
I really, truly tried to like this novel but unfortunately this is one of those that have a great premise but fall utterly short of my expectations. A sciencey murder mystery with a paranormal element? Well, that totally could have been awesome! However, it just didn’t work out for me; in other words, the pieces of the puzzle that should have added up to an awesome story didn’t link . . .

05MarMy Shelves: 2004 vs. 2014 [Part 2/2] – Library Tour / Book Census Results
I’m sure you remember how my shelf looked like 10 years ago. If not, you can refresh your memory here. Well, 10 years is quite a long time and as you will see, I’ve been buzy collecting books. First off, I feel obliged to mention that I collect horse novels. It’s my quirk and I really don’t care if you think I’m completely mental. I do enjoy friendly teasing (many thanks to my Twitter people for some of the most hilarious tweets ever), just don’t be rude.

03MarReading List March 2014
The reading lists are finally back! Naturally, I failed to fulfil my reading resolutions in January and February but at least I had a good excuse. Now let’s see how this month will turn out …

02MarWrap-Up January 2014
Yes, I’m late as always! But I had so much going on the last couple of months – namely, my bachelor thesis – that I didn’t have the time to read or blog. Wait, no time to read? Then what’s all of this?! I was surprised myself how many pages and books I read in January. However, these books were either relevant for my thesis, short story anthologies, or comics. I didn’t dare to start a proper novel since I wouldn’t have stopped reading …

25FebTop Ten Tuesday #16: REWIND – Theme Songs
I can’t imagine a life without music. Songs are the key to my memory. It is truly amazing what I remember when I hear a specific song, sometimes to the point that I get goosebumps or even start to cry because I’m catapulted into a specific moment of the past. Music is memories and emotions, the past, the present, an alternate reality, challenges and triumphs, happiness and sadness, friends, landscapes and journeys, love and hate, films, series, and of course, books …