I originally did this topic back in 2013 but since then, I’ve read many books I’d also love to see adapted, preferrably in a world in which book-to-movie adaptations are actually super faithful to the source material and people who look just like I imagined the characters are cast. Wait, what do you mean there’s no such world? Damn, now I have to endure another freaky adaptation of The Mortal Insturments (I had high hopes because I quite like most of the cast – and then I saw this picture of Isabelle in her ‘classy white dress’) …

MayWrap-Up & Newbies April 2015
Yeah, I know, I’m super late with this. Thing is: I recovered from my reading slump, which means I spend every spare minute reading. This means that the blog goes short of my attention. I don’t know why, but it’s always either reading or blogging. Nevertheless, here are the couple of books I managed to read in April …

MayBuWi Diaries #1: Timetable & Classes
All of a sudden, I’m back at university. After not taking any classes for eighteen months and working full-time for half a year, it will take some time getting back into my student mode. And yet, I’ve never been as enthusiastic about university as I am right now. Maybe that will change, but at the moment, I’m looking forward to EVERYTHING and want to take ALL the classes. I’m having moments of almost breaking into tears of joy because it all sounds so awesomely interesting. This is just exactly where I want to be: on my way to finding my place in my favourite industry …

MayHilarious Horse Novel Titles #2: A Thoroughbred Guessing Game
We’re back in Joanna Campbell’s wonderful world of thoroughbred horse racing, this time, Thoroughbred [Vollblut] series edition. If you want to find out more about the series and have a laugh at the spin-off prequel series’ titles, go check out Part 1 here. If you read it, you already know that sometimes titles in this series might fool even the most experienced horse novel reader by being totally ambiguous. We had the example of Ashleigh’s Promise where Promise does not refer to a promise but to a horse by that name. In the Thoroughbred series, however, we have several different types of ambiguity. So, let’s play a little game. In the following, there’s always one title out of place. It’s basically a guessing game since you won’t be able to determine the true meaning without reading the blurb or being already familiar with the series …

AprDreaming Wide Awake
“You were a very imaginative child and we always supported it. Sometimes I think we overdid it.”
Saying I was shocked doesn’t even begin to cover it. I was flabbergasted, didn’t understand where this notion came from, and my feelings were crushed. That’s not something you expect from your mum in a random conversation. I can’t even remember what we’d talked about. Suddenly, this statement dropped, my face fell and I asked in a squealing voice: “Why?!” Why did my mum think I’m too imaginative? Is there even such a thing as being too imaginative? Is it really a bad thing? After all, it definitely didn’t sound like a compliment. The answer surprised me. Apparently, my parents have figured me out much more than I believed …

AprThe Golden Trio of Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones, my favourite TV series, is finally back! Another year of desperately waiting to be reunited with some of my favourite characters of all time has come to an end. I’m sure you’ve already noticed that I’m an ASoIaF/GoT geek. Although I only started reading the novels shortly before the series started – but always stayed ahead of the show – I followed the series from the first episode on. However, I’m not only rejoicing at watching a new episode each week, I’m also looking forward to what I dubbed the “Golden Trio of Game of Thrones” …

AprWhen the Dead are Walking
Valar morghulis – All men must die. If you haven’t lived under a rock for the past couple of years, you should be at least vaguely familiar with this quote from George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series and its TV adaptation Game of Thrones. For the purpose of this post, let’s just ignore Dany’s objections and understand ‘men’ as ‘all living beings, human or otherwise.’ The resulting message: everyone must die …