I already mentioned in my Wrap-Up that September wasn’t a good month for me. I got rather depressed, which makes me even more prone to buying books than I usually am. Getting books in the mail just makes me so very happy – I’m pretty sure most of you can relate …

23NovWrap-Up September 2015
September, September. So, what were I actually doing in September? I can’t even remember! Ugh, rhyme not intended. But it’s true, September is kind of a blurr. I worked. I handed in my internship report. I had some stuff for the bookfair team to do. I read books. I watched series. Quite possibly the most depressing month of the year, especially since everyone was going on holidays and I was stuck at home …

10NovConflicting Desires or Why I Don’t Blog Although I Want To
Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been torn between reading and blogging – and ended up spending a lot of time watching Netflix instead of doing either because I just couldn’t decide which one to pick …

29OctWrap-Up & Newbies August 2015
At the beginning of August I thought I’d spend the whole month reading. After handing in my term paper, I was supposed to have lots and lots of free time. Hahaha. Nope. …

08OctReview: Belle Epoque
The only truly beautiful thing about Belle Epoque is the stunning cover. The content, on the other hand, could be a repoussoir itself: it’s positively plain, dull, and boring. The blurb made me believe I held a late 19th century Parisian version of Gossip Girl in my hands. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case …

04OctWrap-Up & Newbies July 2015
July was kind of awful. Between trying not to melt, studying for my exam and writing my term paper aka analysing the catalogue pages of 345 titles – don’t do that, not ever! You won’t want to look at new releases ever again – I didn’t get much reading done …

24SepWrap-Up & Newbies June 2015
June was a really mixed reading month. The first week was really hot so I fled my room and spend some wonderful reading hours at the Botanic Gardens. Sunshine, a soft wind, the chirping of birds and visits from curious squirrels – that’s what I consider peaceful quality reading time. For the rest of the month, however, I moved more or less into the library researching for my group presentation …