I really enjoyed The Fault in Our Stars and since John Green is worshipped as the God of YA – I still haven’t figured out why -, my expectations were extremely high. Everyone and their grandma seems to love it. Well, and then there’s me, the odd one out, the one with the most unpopular opinion ever: I’ve never been so bored reading a novel I read voluntarily. I was bored senseless. I couldn’t even get angry with or roll my eyes at some of the more annoying parts …

29NovNewbies October 2017
The number one reason why I love Frankfurt Book Fair (beside meeting my bookish friends, that is): the tons of books I carry home with me each year!

26NovWrap-Up October 2017
October is definitely my favourite month of the year. However, with the Frankfurt Book Fair, it’s also incredibly stressful. I didn’t manage to read as much as I wanted, but there were quite a few books I really enjoyed.

19NovReview: Siege and Storm (The Grisha, #2)
I read and reviewed Shadow and Bone in 2013. Spoiler: I didn’t like it much, which is why I never bought the sequels. A small part of me, however, was curious how the story would continue so when I got my new library membership, this was the first book I picked up. And what can I say? I’m glad I didn’t invest in the English hardcovers. I just can’t warm up to this series. Maybe I’m a little more critical than I usually would be because I didn’t like the first one. I don’t want to get too much into details here to keep it spoilerfree, but I’ve got a couple of things I want to address …

16NovSuBsalabim November 2017
November has a classic garden, a lost moon princess, a strategist fighting battles with her wit, a dead girl, and a lighthouse in store for me …

29OctReview: Clara gibt nicht auf (Clara, #2)
This is the companion to Clara und das Glück dieser Erde. I think the story of this one is not part of the ZDF Christmas TV series, but I’m not sure since I haven’t watched that series yet. After the first novel, I was quite wary about this one. Well, what can I say, this book drove me crazy … as indicated by all the swearing. I’m terribly sorry but I just had to vent my emotions.

23OctNewbies Sepember 2017
Remember that I told you about my book buying yo-yo effect? Remember that I only got four books in August? Well, here’s the other side of the story … I got kind of totally crazy. I went thrifting, ordered way too many books online, got some at work, and decided to double the amount of horse non-fiction I own.