Yay, a new seasonal TBR list … ’cause that worked out perfectly for the last one – not! Of the ten books I chose in June for my summer TBR pile, I’ve read only two. Let’s call it an epic fail and move on, which means that I won’t recycle books from the last list but make up an entirely new pile. And it’s getting classy, historical, dark, and fantastic … and megalomaniac …
10SepTop Ten Tuesday #9: Books I Would Love to See as a Movie/TV Show
Well, well, one should think that it would be easy to find novels one would like to see as a movie or TV series. However, there are so many YA novels which are already in different stages of production that it was rather difficult to find favourites that aren’t already opted for an adaptation. Unsurprisingly, some of the following novels weren’t originally English or don’t even have an English translation and therefore don’t have an adaptation yet. If I’d live in a world in which book-to-movie adaptations were super faithful to the source material, these would be the ten novels I’d love to see on the big or the small screen …
20AugTop Ten Tuesday #8: Things That Make My Life as a Reader/Book Blogger Easier
If I’d really wanted, I would easily find ten things that make my life as a little blogging readingrat easier. However, I decided to concentrate on the things that are most important to me which happens to be only three …
19JulTop Ten Tuesday #7: Best and Worst Movie Adaptations
I must admit that I’m not easy to please when it comes to book-to-movie adaptations. In my opinion, the adaptation cannot be too faithful to the novel. Every change, even if it is tiny, is noticed and although I can turn a blind eye to quite a lot of changes, there are some that drive me crazy. I know that I’m not living in a perfect world in which one to one adaptations are possible, but still. Therefore, it was really difficult to come up with good and faithful adaptations so I decided to give you a mix of different scenarios …
02JulTop Ten Tuesday #6: Most Intimidating Books
First, I didn’t come up with enough books and in the end, I had too many – anyway, here are my top ten books that are intimidating either because of their size, because I didn’t even want them to exist or because I’m a little frightened I will dislike them.
25JunTop Ten Tuesday #5: Best Books of the First Half of 2013
Coincidentally, there are exactly ten books on my first reads favourites 2013 shelf. They are listed according to the date I read them from January to June …
18JunTop Ten Tuesday #4: Books at the Top of My Summer TBR List
There are so many books that I’d love to read over the summer! Here are the top ten books I just have to read in the next couple of months …