Newbies April 2014

29th May 2014

Yiiiihaaaa, I did it! For the first time this year, I managed to reach my goal of reducing my TBR pile by two books a month. However, that doesn’t mean that I suddenly became abstinent. Oh no, mind you, it was just another crazy month of getting way too many books. However, I also read a ton of books – probably more than I ever read before.

Maybe you remember that I mentioned that I would try to read all my newbies directly. Well, guess what, I didn’t. Big surprise. In fact, I only read two of them and they weren’t even part of my preorders. The rest will probably end up on my ever-growing TBR pile for the unforseeable future, because at the moment, I’ve almost no time to read at all.

Newbies 2014_04A

  1. Joyriders (Midnight Dancer, #5) by Elizabeth Lindsay
  2. Ride By Night (Midnight Dancer, #6) by Elizabeth Lindsay

    I really loved the first four books in the series, which were also published in German, probably because there’s a secondary character named Cara. When I recently found out that these two exist, I really wanted to have them, too. Unfortunately, they’re not in great condition, since they are both secondhand. The cover of the 6th one is badly damaged but I’ll have to live with it.

  3. Havoc at Horsehaven (Horsehaven, #2) by Christine Pullein-Thompson
  4. Horsehaven Lives On (Horsehaven, #3) by Christine Pullein-Thompson

    Das Pferdeparadies [OT: Horsehaven] is one of my all-time favourite horse novels and I thought it was a standalone until one day on Goodreads, I found out that it was actually the first in a trilogy. Since I wanted to discuss it as part of my Favourites Challenge, I had to get these two as well. They are in pretty good condition although at least one of them has been a library book. I just don’t get why they are not of the same height. The third one is a little taller than the second although they’re from the same publisher.

  5. The Magicians (The Magicians, #1) by Lev Grossman
    [dt. Die Zauberer (Fillory, #1)]

    This one’s my first book-swap book ever! It worked out great and it looks as good as new.

  6. Eternity (Eternity, #1) by Meg Cabot
    [OT: Insatiable (Insatiable, #1)]

    Take me, a remaindered book display at a supermarket, and 60 seconds of time till the checkout and you end up with a totally random rash purchase. Well, at least I didn’t spend any money because my granny paid for it. Still, in the aftermath, I wasn’t so sure whether I regretted this hasty decision or not.

  7. Neue Herausforderungen (Ferien auf dem Sonnenhof, #10) by Andrea Wandel
    [LT: New Challenges (Vacation at Sunshine Farm, #10)]

    By now, you should know the drill: collecting PonyClub/Pony/PennyGirl books and yadda yadda yadda.

  8. Die Hüterin des Schattenbergs by Monika Felten
    [LT: The Guardian of the Shadow Mountain]

    I both love and hate when brand new hardcovers are sold off for next to nothing. On the one hand, I don’t have to spend much money, on the other, I end up making unplanned purchases because I just really cannot resist.

 Newbies 2014_04B

  1. Das Spielmannslied (Spielmannslied, #1) by Susanne Pavlovic
    [LT: The Minstel’s Song (Minstrel’s Song, #1)]

    I got this one from a dear friend who had recommended it to me a long time ago. It’s high fantasy with a bunch of crazy characters (a minstrel with stage fright, a belligerent cookmaid, a dreamy but strenous nobleman, a dwarf, a dragon, and a chicken) going on some adventure. Sounds like fun!

  2. World Without Princes (School for Good and Evil, #2) by Soman Chainani

    I waited for this one soooo long and then I had to realise that I accidentally ordered the wrong edition. Since this one arrived damaged anyway and I got a refund, I’m probably just going to get the right copy in the forseeable future. I want to read it so badly but I just can’t find the time.

  3. To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before (TAtBILB, #1) by Jenny Han

    I fell in love with the cover and the blurb sounds so good. Since I’m always trying to read a couple more contemporary novels, I just got it.

  4. Rebel Belle (Rebel Belle, #1) by Rachel Hawkins

    I started this one and I’m not quite sure what to think about it. So far, it’s ok. A fun little fluffy read but nothing special. In this way, it reminds me a lot of The Nightmare Affair. It’s just that I expected something entirely else. Maybe I should have read the description thoroughly …

  5. Sekret (Sekret, #1) by Lindsay Smith

    I also started reading this one and I love the idea and the setting. I’m just not so sure about the characters and the plot. I haven’t really gotten into the story so far and then I already have an assumption which I hope won’t turn out true because that would be waaaayyy too obvious.

  6. Deception’s Princess (Deception’s Princess, #1) by Esther Friesner

    I have a thing for redheads, Irish ones in particular. Additionally, the whole thing reminds me of Brave (well, without the bears). Maeve and Merida could be twins. I really really really hope this one’s a good one.

  7. Prisoner of Night and Fog (Prisoner of Night and Fog, #1) by Anne Blankman

    I love the cover, I love the title (which gives me goosebumps all on its own), I love the blurb. I heard a lot of great things about it and Elizabeth Wein recommends it. Nuff said.


Newbies 15 English 11
Read 17 German 4
TBR Pile -2 Series 14
Standalones 1
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11 responses

  • I still think about telling the English publishers that ‘Sekret’ means ‘secretion’ in German. Not that they would care, but I want them to know. xD

    “Maybe I should have read the description thoroughly …” Yeah … well. xD Plus: it’s Rachel Hawkins!

    • Then go ahead 😀 ! I almost included it in the post but then decided to take it out. Since pretty much all of my readers are German anyway, I really don’t need to tell them.

      I don’t know. I guess I even read it properly, I just didn’t get the subtext or something. I thought this would be kind of historical and not present day. I really wanted it to be real Southern Belles with opulent dresses hunting demons or stuff. And since I have never read Rachel Hawkins before, I didn’t know what I was in for.

  • Wahnsinn Ellie, du und deine Neuzugänge. Da fühle ich mich gleich ein kleines bisschen besser ;P Ich wollte schon schreiben, cool, dass dein “World Without Princes” angekommen ist, aber oje -.- Falsche Version und noch beschädigt. Wenn du dazu kommst es zu lesen, wünsch ich dir ganz viel Spaß damit 😉

    • Ich weeeeiiiiß … das nimmt bei mir nie ein Ende! Der Mai schaut auch nicht anders aus. Aber ich bin gerne die Verrückte für euch alle 😀 !

      Ja, total ärgerlich. Aber danke! Ich hoffe, dass es mir auch so gut gefallen wird, wie der erste Teil.

  • The Magicians! *jealous* I wanted that for sooo long!

    I LOVE the second picture! Was it really that dark or did you edit it?

    • Me too! And it looks unread, so that was an awesome swap.

      Thanks <3 ! Although I did edit it, it was almost as dark as it is now. I took it in front of my black sofa and since the windows are on the right and the floor is also quite dark without the resulting shadow, I only had to slightly increased the contrast.

  • riesige Stapöööööl XD hab mich schon gefragt, wann der nächste Post kommt :p
    hach deine Bilder sind aber immer so toll! <3
    Und dann noch so viele tolle Bücher! Bin mal gespannt, was du zu Prisoner of Night and Fog sagst, da bin ich mir ja noch ziemlich unschlüssig, ob das bei mir einziehen darf oder nicht..

    • Wie immöööööööör 😀 ! Und im Mai sieht es auch nicht anders aus.
      Danke, danke, ich tu mein Bestes.
      Es muss gut sein. So. Aber bevor du dir das holst, lies erstmal Code Name Verity!

  • Yey, herzlichen Glückwunsch zum erreichten Abbauziel! Weiter so!
    Ich glaube ehrlich gesagt, dass Rebel Belle ein bisschen überhypt wird. Also, ich kann’s ja nicht wirklich einschätzen, ob’s gut oder schlecht ist, aber da reden sooo viele davon…
    Bin schon mal gespannt, was du zu dem Meg Cabot Buch sagst – das ist nämlich eines ihrer wenigen Jugendbücher (ist doch Jugendbuch, oder?), das ich noch nicht gelesen habe. Ansonsten konnte sie mich ja meistens begeistern.

    • Ähm jaaaa … im Idealfall natürlich. Praktisch … reden wir besser nicht drüber 😉 !

      Ja, das glaube ich auch. Das wird vielleicht ganz nett – wenn ich mich denn dann mal wieder zum Weiterlesen aufraffen könnte – mehr aber auch nicht.

      Nee, ich glaube, das ist eher Adult, vllt gerade noch so NA. Aber ich bin schon gespannt drauf. Das stand schon lange mehr oder weniger auf meinem Wunschzettel. Allerdings wird es wohl noch eine ganze Weile dauern, bis ich es lesen werde. Gerade habe ich viel zu viele andere, die aus irgendeinem Grund dringender nach meiner Aufmerksamkeit schreien.

      • Ach so, Adult schon? Hmm, okay. Kann ich aber verstehen, dass du da erst einmal nicht dazukommst ;-).
        Beim SuB-Abbau nicht so pessimistisch denken, liebe Cara! Das wird schon xD.

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