What I Was Up To
Can we just forget about May? I had two weeks off of work and I was supposed to spend them in Ireland. Which, thank you, pandemic, naturally didn’t happen. I haven’t been in Ireland since 2018 (2019: broke my knee in May that cost me 12 weeks and then some of my summer) and it’s getting on my nerves. I want to go back to the place my soul calls home, damn it! So I mostly spent the first week on the terrace of my parents’ place reading and the second week … pretty much doing nothing and hating myself for being so unmotivated.
Plus, my beloved Arcadia, the horse I’ve been riding whenever I was able to for the past 6 years, was diagnosed with severe laminitis and we’re not even sure she’ll pull through. This year suuuuuucks.

Well, at least I managed one and got quite far in another:
This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone • 2/5
Unpopular opinion but even though I really tried to like it, it just didn’t click. I liked the story and the characters but even though I generally like stories that are untethered, meta, and lyrical, in this case, it was overkill for me. I’ll keep it and might return to it in the distant future. Who knows, maybe it was just the wrong time.
What I’ve Also Read
Killing Gravity (Voidwitch Saga, #1) by Corey J. White • 4/5
One of those scifi books that reminds me how much I love scifi. If only I would finally read more of it! I enjoyed this one immensely. It’s so fast paced and the worldbuilding is done between the lines – but there’s still a ton of it! Such a lovely balance! I really liked the characters and I’m a sucker for witchy scifi stuff. It’s not for the faint of heart, though, because It turned quite brutal and gory. There is a part in the middle that felt a little out of place (very exposition-y and somewhat out of sorts), but apart from that, I loved it and can’t wait to continue the series (though getting the books is currently proving a bit difficult if excluding A).
Meine Suche nach dem Nichts by Lena Schnabl • 5/5
[My Search for Nothing]
This one my colleague gave me before my holidays. It’s a travel memoir about tackling the Shikoku pilgrim route in Japan. Not what I usually read but I got drawn in and immensely enjoyed it! Only grain of salt: the last stage of the journey was pretty much non-existent and felt horribly rushed. And even though this is a personal story, I would have loved to get a hint whether she ever contacted or met a certain person again.
Wicked Saints (Something Dark and Holy, #1) by Emily A. Duncan • 5/5
Reread for I wanted to refresh my memory and then immediately start with the sequel (spoiler alert: I haven’t). I think I loved it even more than the first time. It’s such a me book! Full review is here.
What I’ve Read for Work
Yep, only one this months because for once I didn’t want to spend my holidays between the pages of books I have to read:
Das Endspiel um die Dorfschule (Robin vom See, #4)
by Ulrich Fasshauer & Alexander von Knorre (Ill.)
[Endgame for the Village School]
Another fun instalment in this series. I loved the igloo city the children built to protest against the closure of their school. This one was full of activism, which is such an important topic!