Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
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You weren’t seriously expecting me to choose any other genre, were you? To be honest, I first and foremost chose horse novels because I’ve read hundreds of them and feel more or less competent to point out my all-time favourites. For example, I still haven’t read many high fantasy novels that are considered classics or are widely celebrated, which means I’d probably miss the very best that might become all-time favourites in the near-future – if that makes any sense. In no particular order:
Hoofbeats in the Dark by Pamela Kavanagh
That’s inside: An old English farm turned horse therapy centre, time travel, and secrets and conspiracies in the present and the past that the protagonist has to solve in order to save the farm.
Transitions by Jane Ayres
That’s inside: An insecure protagonist looking for a calm horse, a sick girl looking for a new owner for her temperamental horse Rocket, the beautiful friendship that develops between these three, and some major heartbreak.
Twilight Horses (Twilight Horses, #1) by Emma Raven
That’s inside: An atmospheric setting including an old contorted hostel, stunt horses, great characters, and a super creepy monstrous ghost horse that threatens to corrupt everything.
A Horse Called Freedom (Freedom, #1) by Angela Dorsey
That’s inside: A girl and her very cute pony, a barn haunted by the ghost of a tortured horse, and a number of attempts to free the ghost – with dramatic consequences.
Tears for a Tall Horse (Swallowbridge, #3) by Ann Wigley
That’s inside: A haunted mansion, the bitchy daughter of the owner the protagonist has to look after, a neglected horse in dire need of help, and the quest to solve the riddles of the past.
Ponyhof Kleines Hufeisen #1-12 by Andrea Pabel
[LT: Pony Farm Little Horseshoe]That’s inside: Lovable characters, lots of Icelandic horses, and numerous adventures that revolve around animal welfare.
Genuine Reason for Sale by Jennifer Melrose
That’s inside: A riding school owner who has to sell her horses after she’s had an accident and the hearbreaking stories of her horses’ sales.
Pferdeparadies Weidenhof #1-12 by Sibylle Luise Binder
[LT: Horse Paradise Willow Farm]That’s inside: Awesome protagonists who are solving thrilling horse related crimes in various cool locations.
The Long Ride Home by Diana Pullein-Thompson
That’s inside: A protagonist with my name (at least in the German edition), evil smugglers, and an adventurous flight on horseback through Scotland.
Willow King (Willow King, #1) by Chris Platt
That’s inside: A protagonist with a disability, a foal no one believes in, and their fight to prove themselves against all odds.