Wrap-Up September 2015

23rd November 2015


September, September. So, what were I actually doing in September? I can’t even remember! Ugh, rhyme not intended. But it’s true, September is kind of a blurr. I worked. I handed in my internship report. I had some stuff for the bookfair team to do. I read books. I watched series. Quite possibly the most depressing month of the year, especially since everyone was going on holidays and I was stuck at home.

  1. The Martian by Andy Weir
    [dt. Der Marsianer]

    When everyone started raving about it, I decided this would be a great gift for my Dad. Naturally, I had ulterior motives here and swiped it even before he’d read it. I really enjoyed it although it was a little too science-y for my taste. Nevertheless, it was a great and intriguing read. 4/5

  2. The Shattered Court (The Four Arts, #1) by M.J. Scott

    I’m not sure what to make of this novel. The romance and the sexism of the magic system bothered me. Plus, it was also very slow for most parts. Only the last couple of chapters were really interesting. So far, I’m not sure whether I’ll continue this series or not. This one barely made 3/5 after all.

  3. The Sleeper and the Spindle by Neil Gaiman & Chris Riddell
    [dt. Der Fluch der Spindel]

    A lovely twisted tale of The Sleeping Beauty gorgeously illustrated by Chris Riddell. I wish it had been longer. 4/5

  4. Unbekannter Feind (Ina, #2) by Eli B. Toresen
    [LT: Unknown Enemy (Ina, #2)]
  5. Gefährliche Erinnerungen (Ina, #3) by Eli B. Toresen
    [LT: Dangerous Memories (Ina, #3)]
  6. Die Spur im Schnee (Ina, #4) by Eli B. Toresen
    [LT: The Track in the Snow (Ina, #4)]

    These titles make those books appear much more thrilling than they actually are. To be honest, they are quite bland. At least I was able to finish another series and get them off my TBR pile. 2-3-2/5

  7. The Foundling and Other Tales of Prydain (The Chronicles of Prydain, #0) by Lloyd Alexander
    [dt. Der Findling: Geschichten aus Tarans Welt (Taran, #0)]

    I love The Chronicles of Prydain! They’re fantastic MG/YA high fantasy. I really enjoyed reading those background stories to the series. 4/5

  8. Das Pferdewissen-ABC: Alles rund um dein Lieblingstier by Sandy Ransford
    [OT: Getting to Know Your Pony]

    I had to work on rejuvenating my TBR, so this one had to go – err – be read. It was an average horse non-fiction. 3/5

  9. Rot wie das Meer by Maggie Stiefvater
    [OT: The Scorpio Races]

    There will be a full review of this novel. There has to be. I still haven’t fathomed that everyone I know loves this book – not because it’s bad, oh no! It definitely isn’t. But hands down, this is a horse novel. Not just any horse novel, but one that makes use of every horse novel cliché there is. I still can’t take it seriously. And there will be a movie version. Please excuse me while I laugh hysterically in that corner over there. 4/5

  10. Seeland: Per Anhalter zum Strudelschlund by Anna Ruhe
    [LT: Sea Land: Hitchhike to the Maelstrom Abysm]

    This one is a very sweet MG fantasy set in an imaginative parallel water world. I really enjoyed the setting and the characters, I just wasn’t that fond of the convenient plot developments. It was all a little too easy on the characters and their quest. 3/5

  11. Seelenkuss by Lynn Raven
    [LT: Soul Kiss]

    I’m still speechless and haven’t managed to write a coherent review so far. I’d heard this wasn’t good, but I hadn’t expected it to be so bad. It’s messy, all over the place with weak characters and an inconsistent plot. Not at all what I’d expected from one of my favourite YA fantasy writers. 2/5

  12. These Broken Stars (Starbound, #1) by Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner
    [dt. Lilac und Tarver (These Broken Stars, #1)]

    Oh wow, I really loved this one! Loved the characters, the setting, and the plot, especially that hideous twist I never saw coming. I definitely need to read more science fiction. I also love that the cover really fits the story in that the characters are dressed like described in the novel. 5/5

  13. The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton
    [dt. Die verlorenen Spuren]

    I found this one to be the weakest of her novels. It just didn’t grip me, I wasn’t immersed in the mystery, I disliked most of the characters, especially Dolly. However, I pictured the present day narrator as Judi Dench, which was kind of nice. It really got quite amazing in the last part, but this couldn’t redeem all the boring parts that came before. 3/5


Including pages of books I haven’t finished yet.

In Books
In Pages
Read 13 Read 3403
First Reads 13 Pages/Day 113
Re-reads 0 Pages/Book 262
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4 responses

  • Maybe we don’t really see the horse novel clichés because we don’t know horse novels as well as you do. xD (It’s been a while since I read the book but I don’t remember thinking that … but honeslty, I don’t think I’ve ever read any horse novels. xD Maybe the Wendy magazines, but that might actually be it.)

    • Probably – and that’s totally ok. It is a very good book and I’m pretty sure I would have rated it 5/5 if I hadn’t read and watched those clichés over and over and over again. I mean, I still do rate horse novels 5/5 if I like them even when they use clichés, I just couldn’t take this one here seriously. Maybe I’ll like it even better the second time around.

  • *lach* gerade das Wissenschaftliche hatte mir beim “Marsianer” unheimlich gut gefallen. Vor allem weil er alles so plausibel beschrieben hatte. An sich bin ich nicht der riesen Fan von Naturwissenschaften, aber ich fands extrem interessant irgendwie. Aber freut mich, dass es dir ja auch gefallen hat^^ Ich habs meinem Papa zum Geburtstag geschenkt, mal sehen, wann er es liest 😉

    Und freut mich total, dass du “These Broken Stars” auch so mochtest! Nicht mehr lange dann kommt Buch 3 und ich bin soo gespannt!

    • Ich mag Mathe total gerne, aber gerade Physik ist für mich ein rotes Tuch. Damit bin ich in der Schule überhaupt nicht klargekommen und auch wenn ich heute wahrscheinlich einen besseren Zugang dazu hätte, kann ich das eben einfach nicht mehr abschütteln. Sobald irgendwas mit Physik kommt, mach ich dicht. Chemie ist nicht ganz so schlimm, da kann ich mich hin und wieder noch draufeinlassen.

      Ich muss erstmal den 2. Band lesen – der aber schon im Regal steht – aber der 3. ist auch schon vorbestellt!

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