Monday Question: Longest on TBR Pile?

20th July 2015


It’s been a really really long time since I last participated but I love talking about my crazy TBR pile, so here we go!

This week’s Monday Question by Buchfresserchen is:

Which book currently has been on your TBR the longest?

I love my TBR, I really do. So many books I can look forward to! However, it’s no secret that it’s gotten out of hand. Well, this year is a different story since I’m on a tight budget and can’t afford buying any more books. The last couple of years, however … let’s not talk about it. Currently, I have exactly 967 books on my TBR (and I’m still impressed I haven’t hit the 1,000 mark yet).

Unfortunately, I don’t really know for sure which books have been there the longest. I only started my lists in 2008 and I had already a rather big TBR pile back then. The oldest books I can pinpoint date back to 2005. However, there are also 148 books of which I don’t remember a purchase date. I try to reconstruct the dates from time to time and sometimes I’m successful, but most times, I can’t tell. Most of these books are not that old, but some might actually be older than 2005.

As of the books I actually have a date, the one that’s been on my TBR the longest is Blitz und Pam [OT: The Black Stallion and the Girl] by Walter Farley. I got it on the 4th of April in 2005 from ebay. It’s probably going to stay on the TBR a little longer since I’m still hunting down one of the rarer German books in the series. But one day, I will get to it.


You want to share your thoughts on the topic? Fell free to do so! Participation is simple: Each Monday, Buchfresserchen publishes a new Monday Question (in German), which can be answered over the course of one week. Just write a post with your thoughts and link to it using this form here.

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4 responses

  • “Blitz und Pam” habe ich nie gelesen – ich kenne nur den Nachfolgeband “Blitz, der Hengst des Sonnengottes”, den ich damals als Kind ziemlich seltsam fand. Wäre eigentlich mal interessant, wie mir der Band heute gefallen würde.
    Dazu passt übrigens, dass ich mir vor kurzem eine DVD mit den beiden “Der schwarze Hengst”-Filme gekauft habe, in einem Anfall von absoluter Nostalgie. *g*

    • Ach schön! Die beiden fehlen mir auch noch in der DVD-Sammlung.

      Ich hab damals nur die ersten 3 oder 4 Bücher gelesen. Ich kann mich schon gar nicht mehr genau dran erinnern. Ich hatte sie mir damals von meiner Klavierlehrerin ausgeliehen und als sie neue aufgelegt wurden, hab ich angefangen, mir die Bücher zu kaufen. Dabei ist mir dann erst aufgefallen, wie total durcheinander die Büche im Deutschen veröffentlicht wurden – mal ganz abgesehen davon, dass zwischendrin zwei Bände fehlen und es Blitz und Pam ja auch nie als Schneiderbuch gab.

  • Ah, TBR…mine is constantly rotating (for example: I spent a large majority of yesterday clearing my Goodreads shelves and went from 1300+ books to ~800 books). My physical shelves are constantly rotating, too. I’m always giving books away to make room for new books. However, like you, I’m putting myself on a VERY tight book buying budget, so I probably won’t be adding too many books to my shelves (unless they’re auto-buy authors, of course).

    Now I wish I kept better track of my TBR books! I just sort of add and take away whenever I feel like it. 🙁 It means I tend to lose track of books allllll of the time.

    • I differentiate between my TBR = all books of which I own either a physical or a digital copy and my wishlist. So I actually own almost 1,000 unread books. I also try to sort out my wishlists from time to time, but I seldom give books away, especially ones I haven’t read yet. I might miss out on something if I do 😉

      Lists are the coolest things ever! You should totally think about making one (or just ask Crini, she’s got a list for basically every imaginable purpose). It’s so much fun to track your books and reading.

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