Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
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I have no idea why I’m actually still doing these lists, since I generally never read more than two of the books I put on them. Oh well, at least its fun! I’m planning on reading quite a lot of novels that suggest cold in one way or another…
Dash & Lily’s Book of Dares by Rachel Cohn & David Levithan
[dt. Dash & Lilys Winterwunder]Apparently, this is the ultimate Christmas read – and gosh, I haven’t read it yet! It’s been at the back of my mind for years now, but since contemporary fiction is not my first priority, I totally forgot about it. Since my favourite reading circle on Goodreads chose this novel as our December read, I decided that this was my chance to change this.
Seelenkuss by Lynn Raven
[LT: Soul Kiss]Lynn Raven is one of my favourite authors and I love her high-fantasy fiction to pieces. So when I heard that there would be a new novel out in December, I totally freaked. I so cannot wait to read it!
Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge
For me, The Beauty and the Beast is a winter tale – probably because of the Disney film I adore so much. So what better time to read this retelling, especially when it comes out in January?
Cress (The Lunar Chronicles, #3) by Marissa Meyer
I’m going to start it the very second it ends up in my mail! I love the series so much!
Der goldene Kompass (His Dark Materials, #1) by Philip Pullman
[OT: Northern Lights (His Dark Materials, #1) aka The Golden Compass]His Dark Materials is one of the 64 series in which I’m stuck. I think I’ve read The Golden Compass at least three times already and the second one once but never came around to read the last one. I really want to change that and I’m hoping to read them back to back – and what better time to do this than winter?
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black
I just decided that this would make a great winter read probably because of the cover and the title, which just suggest a creepy and icy cold in whichever sense you like to interpret it.
The Diviners (The Diviners, #1) by Libba Bray
It’s been far too long on my TBR pile and when I look at this big fat hardcover, all I want to do is snuggle up in bed with a nice cup of tea to snowflakes dancing outside while I’m reading myself away to the streets of New York.
Perfekte Schwestern (Sharp North, #1-2) by Patrick Cave
[OT: Sharp North (Sharp North, #1) & Blown Away (Sharp North, #2)]This has been on my TBR pile ever since it was published in 2009. It’s a dystopian novel, probably the first one I ever owned. Apparently, the story starts with a murder in the snow, so I decided I should finally read it this winter.
Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys
If I say I heard good things about Ruta Sepetys’ novels, it’s probably the understatement of the century. All my readingrat friends are recommending the novels, but I wasn’t sure whether they would be my cup of tea. However, when I was offered a free copy of this novel from Penguin at the Frankfurt Bookfair (thanks again), I had to take it. And since it’s setting and time is quite frosty, I decided to read it this winter.
Rose Under Fire by Elizabeth Wein
So it’s been a couple of months since Code Name Verity, not enough to fully recover from the heartbreaks and utter perfection, but I think it’s time to move on to the next hopefully equally amazing novel. Just reading the blurb suggests that I’m going to cry my eyes out again, but that’s just how I love my novels …
I want to read His Dark Materials so bad. I’ve never read it before and still need to get the books (found a beautiful box set I put on my christmas wishlist).
Still need to Between Shades of Gray too! I think it looks so much like a winter read. Is it actually set in winter? I have no idea but the covers look wintery 😀
Oh I know exactly what editions you are talking about! They are drop dead gorgeous and made me consider buying them although I already have the German editions. Still … I’ve read The Golden Compass at least twice and liked it really much. The second one was kind of confusing and very different from the first (or at least that’s how I remember it, I read it when I was in my early teens). Never came around to read the third one, though.
I’m not entirely sure but it’s set in Lithuania and … was it Siberia? At least somewhere really cold so that makes it kind of a winter read.
Dash und Lily hab ich auch noch nich gelesen 😀 mal schauen ob ich das irgendwann mal schaffe, vllt mach ich das einfach so leben am limit mäßig im Sommer XD wär doch mal was….The Diviners ist so so toll! <3 Da steht ja bei mir auch bald ein Reread an 😀
So gehts natürlich auch. Ich hab ein Pferdebuch, das im Winter spielt und das ich auch immer im Sommer gelesen habe und auch mit Sommer verknüpfe xD .
Bin schon sehr gespannt. Die Gemma Trilogie fand ich ja ziemlich gut.