I can’t remember how I first learned about this novel. I can’t remember what made me buy it. However, I remember that I ordered it at my local bookshop one early summer shortly before I went on holidays in France with my Mum and my sister. I remember, because I started this novel when we hit the road and couldn’t put it aside. I read it while we drove through Germany, I read it at that strange and blazing hot hostel in Freiburg, I read it on our way through half of France, and I finished literally the second we arrived at the campsite in the Gorges du Chassezsac. It was the magic of the novel that glued me to its pages. Since then, including this one, I reread it three times . . .

28NovReview: Der Kuss des Kjer
Himmel aber auch, das war eine unerträgliche Tortur! Ich liebe es, Bücher mehrmals zu lesen, aber das war wirklich das allererste Mal, dass ich an manchen Stellen einfach nicht weiterlesen wollte, das Buch sogar für ein paar Tage zur Seite legen musste, weil ich einfach nicht ertragen konnte, was als nächstes passieren würde. Und warum das Ganze? Tja, weil ich bis über beide Ohren in einen fiktiven Charakter verliebt bin, dem ich so einiges gerne erspart hätte. Klingt verrückt? Tja, ist aber so. Denn wenn man mich fragt, warum der Roman zu meinen Lieblingsbüchern gehört, kann ich das ganz einfach in einem einzigen Wort beantworten: Mordan!

15NovReview: Shadow and Bone (The Grisha, #1)
Oh my, such a disappointment! After a wonderful, exotic, very gloomy and atmospheric 100 pages that got my hopes up, the awesomeness petered out. The world, the story, the characters – everything had so much potential! Unfortunately, the writing couldn’t live up to it and soon everything lost its glamour: the enthralling mysteries became far too obvious, the rugged beauty had to make way for a boarding school atmosphere and could never truly recover, and the characters turned out to be as flat as a pancake . . .

06NovReview: The Darkest Minds (The Darkest Minds, #1)
Wow, just wow. If I had to summarise this novel in one sentence, I’d say it’s X-men meets the Nazis – very dark, very disturbing, and even worse very realistic. It’s a story of survival and friendship against all odds, a story of coming to terms with oneself and accepting who and what one has become. It’s also a road trip through a bleak and dangerous US in search of the only hope there is: a safe haven and finding one’s family . . .

31OctReview: Beautiful Creatures (Caster Chronicles, #1)
If you like interesting magical concepts, ominous Southern American settings, American Civil War re-enactments, male point of views, and awesome secondary characters, than this is just the right book for you – as long as you don’t mind instalove and more or less annoying main characters . . .

15OctSeries Review: Die Erben der Nacht #1-5
Pünktlich zum Erscheinen des 6. Bandes im Oktober habe auch ich es nun endlich geschafft, den 5. und ehemals letzten Teil der Reihe zu lesen, an den ich mich bisher nicht herangetraut hatte, da ich mich nicht von meinen geliebten Erben verabschieden wollte. Normalerweise kann ich es gar nicht leiden, wenn eine Reihe über den eigentlichen letzten Band fortgeführt wird, aber in diesem Fall freue ich mich über alle Maße, dass es doch kein Abschied für immer geworden ist. Anlässlich des First-Reads des 5. Bandes gab es natürlich einen Reread der ganzen Reihe, zum einen, um meine Erinnerungen aufzufrischen, zum anderen, weil ich von den jungen Vampiren einfach nicht genug bekommen kann . . .

01OctReview: Code Name Verity
There are not enough positive words in this world to do justice to Code Name Verity. It is utterly brilliant, intriguing, shocking – and it will rip out your heart. Thrice. Not that there was anything left after the first time … But isn’t that just the way we like our novels? Don’t we all adore magnificent writing, stunning plots, and believable characters? Unforgettable tales of loyalty and betrayal, of trust and fortitude even in the face of torment and fear? If you can’t answer these questions with a resounding YES, then you cannot be helped. This, my dear readingrats is the story of a friendship so strong and true, written so perfectly that it comes to life before the reader’s eyes . . .