I was hooked by a mysterious title, a stunning cover, and an intriguing idea. Unfortunately, it was all a ruse. The title belongs to a different book, the cover only fits the first third and the idea was abandoned in favour of a generic romance-y fantasy plot. This is one of the ‘great idea, poor execution’ cases and therefore fell flat for me …

16AprReview: Tangleweed and Brine
I found this little gem in my favourite Dublin bookshop last summer and it took me no time at all to whisk it away. I mean, just look at it! The beautiful cover drew me in, the promise of feminist fairytale retellings and beautiful illustrations sold it, and it being thoroughly Irish in origin was the cherry on top. And what can I say: it was so worth its money!

02AprReview: Etiquette & Espionage (Finishing School, #1)
Welcome to the whimsically wonderful world of The Parasol Protectorate! In its YA incarnation, it’s just as steampunky, supernatural, and sublime – albeit demure. And yet, it shines with quirky characters, witty dialogue, adventurous episodes and an all-encompassing feel-good atmosphere …

31DecReview: Lock & Mori (Lock & Mori, #1)
Well, that was a really weird reading experience. Weird, because I couldn’t help hearing and picturing the BBC Sherlock actors. Which was sometimes funny, sometimes strange, and most of the time didn’t work at all. For unfortunately, this book doesn’t really work out as a Sherlock retelling – although I have a feeling I know where this series is heading … and it’s all build on dubious creative decisions …

17DecReview: Looking for Alaska
I really enjoyed The Fault in Our Stars and since John Green is worshipped as the God of YA – I still haven’t figured out why -, my expectations were extremely high. Everyone and their grandma seems to love it. Well, and then there’s me, the odd one out, the one with the most unpopular opinion ever: I’ve never been so bored reading a novel I read voluntarily. I was bored senseless. I couldn’t even get angry with or roll my eyes at some of the more annoying parts …

19NovReview: Siege and Storm (The Grisha, #2)
I read and reviewed Shadow and Bone in 2013. Spoiler: I didn’t like it much, which is why I never bought the sequels. A small part of me, however, was curious how the story would continue so when I got my new library membership, this was the first book I picked up. And what can I say? I’m glad I didn’t invest in the English hardcovers. I just can’t warm up to this series. Maybe I’m a little more critical than I usually would be because I didn’t like the first one. I don’t want to get too much into details here to keep it spoilerfree, but I’ve got a couple of things I want to address …

29OctReview: Clara gibt nicht auf (Clara, #2)
This is the companion to Clara und das Glück dieser Erde. I think the story of this one is not part of the ZDF Christmas TV series, but I’m not sure since I haven’t watched that series yet. After the first novel, I was quite wary about this one. Well, what can I say, this book drove me crazy … as indicated by all the swearing. I’m terribly sorry but I just had to vent my emotions.