I didn’t buy as many books as I thought I would although I went to Munich and Berlin. First, I visited Ric in Munich where we went to a couple of bookshops and the library where I desperately tried to impose a couple of my favourite books on her but unfortunately, they weren’t in stock. Then, we travelled to Berlin where we teamed up with Miss Bookiverse for a bookshop tour she was so kind to organise for us. The highlight of our tour was Dussmann with its integrated English bookshop. Such a wonderful place! We loved it so much we went back for a second time, this time also accompanied by Captain Cow. It was really difficult not to buy half the shop and the others kept teasing me due to the immense pile of books I was carrying around. In the end, I somehow managed to really really pull myself together …
The School for Good and Evil

16NovWe ♥ Books Herbstmarathon
Hallo ihr lieben Leseratten! Heute steigt der Herbstlesemarathon von Sandy @ Nightingale’s Blog und ich bin schon ganz aufgeregt! Das ist nämlich mein aller aller erster Lesemarathon mit einer Gruppe. Bisher hatte es nie geklappt, aber heute habe ich zur Abwechslung mal ‘nichts’ vor. Eigentlich müsste ich noch ein Paket zur Post bringen und meine Pferdchen habe ich auch schon seit einer Ewigkeit nicht mehr gesehen. Vielleicht werde ich mich dementsprechend irgendwann mal ausklinken. Sollte ich mich denn aufraffen können, das Haus zu verlassen. Die Chancen stehen eher schlecht …

13NovWrap-Up September 2013
Well, well, September was a month of ups and downs. I started quite well, couldn’t concentrate on reading for most of the month just to come back really strong. All in all, I didn’t read that many books but quite a lot of pages. I came so close to crack the 3000 pages mark, but came short because I forgot to read on the last day …

04NovWrap-Up October 2013
I can’t believe it! A wrap-up that’s actually in time! I’m still two or so behind, but at least I got this one done. By the way, I’m sorry that I’m currently posting so seldom. I’m just having a lot of stuff on my plate such as a linguistics term paper, which I procrastinated a little too long (but at least now it’s done), my Bachelor thesis, and a private issue that threw me off the track and now I have to get used to this new situation …