The first seventeen days of February were completely spent on my bachelor thesis. You have no idea how great I felt when I handed it in on the 17th. I hadn’t picked up a real novel in a little over a month because I was too afraid I would procrastinate by reading. However, I wasn’t able to read as much in the following days since I had a couple of other things going on. I visited my friends to help them repaint their flat before moving out, had to sew my sister a Little Red Ridinghood cape for carnival, and get a lot of things sorted out …
Rosamund Hodge

10DecTop Ten Tuesday #14: Books on My Winter TBR List
I have no idea why I’m actually still doing these lists, since I generally never read more than two of the books I put on them. Oh well, at least its fun! I’m planning on reading quite a lot of novels that suggest cold in one way or another …

03DecTop Ten Tuesday #13: 2014 Releases I’m Dying to Read
Usually, I’m not planning too far ahead but here are the books I really really really want to read in 2014 – and most of them are already preordered! Some of them are installments in a series I’m loving, some I found via Goodreads friends, and other drew me in by their gorgeous covers, or titles, or blurbs …