Just to clarify: my Goodreads to-be-read shelf contains all the books I already own but haven’t read yet. I have separate to-buy lists for the books I’d like to read one day but don’t own yet. Since this topic’s not suggesting it’s about the books I recently bought, I’ll write about the books I recently shelved to-buy …
Richelle Mead

19FebWrap-Up January 2015
January was awesome! I blame the Vampire Academy series for reading much more than usually – I was glued to the pages and literally couldn’t put the books down. I was also able to finish four other books that had been on my currently reading shelf for up to 10 months – and sneak in two short horsey novels to pump up my TBR pile statistics …

08DecNewbies November 2013
Newbies 2013_11
You have no idea how happy I am writing a newbie post that doesn’t contain a ginormeous amount of books! Maybe this is going to be an incentive to reduce my hauls. Haha, I’m kidding – I already preordered my 2014 must-haves this month as a reward for having such a great month in the TBR-Reduction-Challenge. That’s the logic of a book-buying addict. Anyways, I’m happy to announce that I was able to fulfill this months task and saved € 8.50 (which I already invested in a CD) as well as actually reducing my TBR pile by 5 books! …

19NovNewbies August 2013
I didn’t buy as many books as I thought I would although I went to Munich and Berlin. First, I visited Ric in Munich where we went to a couple of bookshops and the library where I desperately tried to impose a couple of my favourite books on her but unfortunately, they weren’t in stock. Then, we travelled to Berlin where we teamed up with Miss Bookiverse for a bookshop tour she was so kind to organise for us. The highlight of our tour was Dussmann with its integrated English bookshop. Such a wonderful place! We loved it so much we went back for a second time, this time also accompanied by Captain Cow. It was really difficult not to buy half the shop and the others kept teasing me due to the immense pile of books I was carrying around. In the end, I somehow managed to really really pull myself together …

18JunTop Ten Tuesday #4: Books at the Top of My Summer TBR List
There are so many books that I’d love to read over the summer! Here are the top ten books I just have to read in the next couple of months …

01JunNewbies April 2013
Buying books is both my fervent passion and my worst vice. Sometimes, I even wonder whether it is not an addiction or an illness of some sorts, because I’m constantly buying – much more than I will probably ever be able to read. But, you know, they look so pretty on the shelves! …
Normally, I’m trying to buy in reasonable masses. However, if I find an excuse with which I can keep my conscience quiet, I forget all good resolutions. That’s what happened in April, because I thought that Easter would be a great excuse to buy tonnes of new books. Well, it’s my one and only treat after all.